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  • Name: Karasu (Crow)
  • Seiyuu: Horikawa Ryo (?)
  • Age: Unknown
  • Family: How much you wanna bet they're all dead?
  • Occupation: Toguro's lackey

    Karasu appeared during the Ankoku Bujutsukai, fighting on the Toguro team. Once upon a time he and his buddy Bui had lost a fight to the Toguro brothers, and were forced to serve them until they were powerful enough to defeat them (which was never gonna happen!). Karasu is a very violent youkai; he's cold and ruthless, and will stop at nothing to destroy what he treasures most. Namely, Kurama. (Can't say that I blame him -_^) Karasu has long black hair that goes blonde when he 'powers up', and wears a long black coat and a mask to help contain his youki (or something like that). He fought Kurama in the final round and was defeated (aka KILLED). But, because the judges were mean, stupid, vicious, envious, oafish, dense, doltish, slow, thick-witted... well, anyway, the judges decided that Kurama lost 'cause he wasn't standing up for more than ten seconds. The bastards.

    Karasu: My darling Kurama killed me! Surely that means he loves me as much as I love him!

    Kurama: *backs away slowly* No.... no, I don't...


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