Whispers of Love

	The Slayers split up and only two years after they did so, 
Zelgadis came back to see Amelia on a search for his cure that had 
lead him in that direction.  He decided to take up her offer to stay an 
extra week saying that if the cure was there, it wasn't going to leave.
	During that time, Amelia and Zelgadis spent almost every 
second of everyday at each other's side.  The more he got to know 
the princess, the more he enjoyed having her company.  She
was different now than when he had known her before.  She was kinder, 
not as annoying, and very pretty, as Zel noted when she first greeted 
him with a soft hug, unlike her previous hugs that seemed more deadly
 than her magick attacks.
	He was actually sad at having to leave her but promised her 
he would return and gave her a kiss before leaving, which utterly shocked
 and suprised the princess....in a happy good way of course.
	As it turned out, the rumors were right and Zelgadis couldn't wait
 for Amelia to see him....

	"Princess, you have a visitor.  They seem familiar, but I cannot
 recognize who it is." A maid said strolling into the princess' room.
	"Hmm. Send them in, Marci." The princess smiled, returning to
 brushing her hair softly.
	A few minutes later, a cloaked figure strolled into her room. He
 had a hood covering his face and Amelia could only make out his sorcerer's
 costume.  Her eyes immediatly lit up.
	"Zelgadis?" She asked hopefully.
	The figure reached a hand up and lifted the hood off, smiling at her.
	The princess gasped and ran to him, jumping up into his arms as he 
spun her around, laughing happily.
	"Your human!!!!" she giggled as he sat her down.
	"The rumors were true.  An old wishwizard lived up there.  You could
 have one wish for one sacrifice. I wished to be human again."
	"Wait...what did you sacrifice?"
	Zel smiled."There's the thing.  My wish was also my sacrifice.  I chose
 to loose my Chimera skin."
	Amelia smiled and hugged him again. "I am so happy to see you.
 I missed you!"
	"But I was only gone for two months." Zel teased.
	"Yeah, but that's a long time to me."
	"How long was the two years?" he said leaning closer.
	"Forever" Amelia whispered, closing her eyes as their lips met in a kiss.
  Zel wrapped her tighter to him and deepened the kiss, feeling so wonderful 
being here, in her arms, and human.  Now, he had no more quests.  Maybe I
 should settle down....whoh, slow down Zelgadis.  You just turned human. One
 step at a time......ok, no more thinking.......
	Amelia sighed as he held her, not pulling away from the every-deepening
 kiss.  This was her dream.  Always.  She had wanted him forever to want her too,
 and now, it was real.  It was wonderful.  She smiled aginst his lips and he pulled
 back softly trying to stretch out the tender touch as long as possible.
	"Why do you look so happy?" he played on her.
	"Well, for one your human.  But that's not the main reason." she
	"Oh? And what might that be?" he asked tightening his grip around
 her waist.
	"That you are with me like this.  It never would have mattered to me
 if you were human or not.  I love you and I always will." she smiled.
	Zelgadis smiled back. "Well, Ms. Justice, you wanna know something?"
	Amelia nodded and he bent down to her ear.
	"I love you, too" he whispered. "And I always will." then he kissed her
 ear, leaning back to see her shocked and hopefull reaction.  
	Amelia smiled, then laughed and jumped up hugging him again.

	For the next year, the two spent everyday togather, till one night when
 they were having a candlelight dinner alone.......

	"Hmm??" Amelia asked through her mouthful of spagetti.
	Zel laughed softly at her reaction, the put his fork down.
 " I have something to ask you."
	"Mm-hmm?" She looked up to see a little black velvet box
 opened up in front of her.  In it was a beautiful silver ring with a white 
oval diamond in it.  Her expression was priceless.  Mouth stuffed with
 food, eyes wide and sparkling and not moving a muscle.
	Zelgadis smiled. "Will you marry me?"
	"Phzewgawvith..." Amelia struggled to speak.  Zel laughed as
 she put up a finger for him to wait a moment and swallowed her food,
 taking a drink, then looking at him in shock. "Sorry. Zelgadis......I-"
	UH-oh. Not good. She's hesitating....Zel frowned.
	Amelia immediatly picked up on how she had just sent the wrong
 signal. She smiled, taking the ring from it's case. "It's beautiful." then she
 slid it on her finger.  Zel saw this and smiled.
	"Is that a-"now it was is turn to hesitate.
	"Yes. It's a yes. Of course I'll marry you!" she laughed jumping up,
 but not before Zelgadis did.  He grabbed her up in his arms, spinning her 
around laughing.
	He sat her down, faking a stern look."Of, course you know that I 
wouldn't have taken no as an answer."
	Amelia played along with his stern look. "Oh, of course not. Never
 though of it."
	The two burst out laughing a minute later, then kissed lovingly.

	The next morning, Amelia announced her engagement to her extatic
 father.  He was extremely happy about her fiancee, much to Zelgadis' 
releif.  Prince Phil announced it a week later to the entire kingdom, even
 though there was not yet a date sent.  
	That week, three of the best search experts were sent out to find
 Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev.  They were not found however.  There
 was no choice but to have the wedding without their best friends.  The 
wedding went beautifully and everyone (except Lina and Gourry) was there
 including Filia and Xellos who annoyed each other the whole time and 
Syphiel who couldn't control her crying.  Even Martina and Zangulus were 
there.  That couple kept to themselves in the corner of the ballroom however,
 making out the entire time.  A few people even commented that hey should
 get a room throughout the night.  Amelia thought about it, but decided 
against it.  Zelgadis looked to be having fun the whole time, chatting with
 old friends and even reframing from staring a verbal assault on Xellos.  
Amelia was proud.

	Amelia lay down exhausted ontop of her equally spent lover and
 husband. It was nearly dawn and the sky was a deep hazy shade of pink.
  Blue and Black fading from the night sky.  They had left for bed early from
 their wedding ceremony, but were just now getting to sleep.  Amelia felt like
 she could barely move, let alone stand.  So, instead, she just moved upward
 a little further until her head rested just underneith Zel's chin.  He stroked her
 sweat-covered hair gently lulling her.  Amelia sighed, tightening her grip on 
his body, also covered in sweat.
	"I love you." She whispered, falling off to sleep.
	"I love you too, Amelia." he whispered back, following her lead.

	The next day, the maids were given the strict instruction not to wake
 the couple.  In fact the only thing that forced them to rise was their hungery 
stomachs.  The two made their way hand in hand, being greeted by the servents
 as they journeyed to the kitchen, then back to their room to sleep some more. 
 (Funny couple huh?)

	Everything was wonderful for the next three months.  They left for bed
 early pretty much everynight, Amelia especially eager, giggling as they ran 
through the hallways, slamming and locking the door behind them.


	"Zelgadis?" Amelia called to him as she spied him in the library 
reading up on something. 
	"Oh! Hi Amelia. How have you been today?  Lecture go well?"
 he asked, wrapping an arm around her waist to kiss her on the cheek 
as she greeted him.
	"Yeah, it was great.  Almost everyone in Sailune was listenting....
." her smile fade as he sat down on the couch, continuing to read.
	'Ok, how to tell him.....' she though. 'How can I break the news?'

  Amelia smiled to herself as an idea formed.
	Amelia leaned over Zelgadis' shoulder and kissed him on the cheek.
  This got his attention.
	"Zel....you know how we've been wondering what to do with that
 extra room right next to ours?"
	Amelia walked around with a smile on her face and shocked
 Zel by sitting down in his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck
. "Well...........I think I know what we could make it into."
	Zel smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist as she settled
 against him. "Ok, yeah? And what's that?"
	"A nursury for the baby."
	"Oh, a nursury for the-" Zel stopped midsentence and stared at her,
 then to her stomach, then back at her.
	Amelia just smiled and nodded.
	Zelgadis laughed happily and hugged her to him, stroking her hair
 happliy, then pulled back. "We- you mean? We are going to- I- I'm going
 to be a father."
	"Mm-hmm. Your gonna be a daddy."
	"I'm gonna be a daddy." Zel breathed almost entranced.
	"I can't believe it!!! It's amazing! Are you ok?" he suddenly asked,
 startling Amelia.
	"What do you mean?
	"Well, I just mean, do you need anything or should you not walk
 for a while or..."
	"I'm only about a month along."
	Amelia got a devilish grin on her face and slid further into him,
 pulling him closer hugging him and stood up, walking over to the library
 doors, peaking out, then closing the doors and locking them.  She then
 walked back over to Zel and stradled his sitting form, making him look
 at her in shock. "Amelia?"
	She wrapped her arms around his neck and grinned evily (of sorts).
" Which means...." she began, scooting closer until her body was fully
 pressed up to his, his arms resting around her waist. "We can still have
 some fun before I'm too far along to."
	Zelgadis smiled and got her hint, pulling her futher to him. "oh?"
	"Mmhmm." she moaned as he passionatly kissed her, then quickly
 rid her of her clothing, then shed his, and started their afternoon playing session.

	That afternoon several maids huddled up against the doors to
 giggle to the moans, gasps and giggles of pleasure coming from within 
the library.  At almost dinner time, the two emerged, kissing and laughing
 at their adventurous trialings.


 NAME!" Amelia screamed, squeezing his hand and getting an evil look on
 her face gritting her teeth as the nursemaid calmed her and told her to push 
	Amelia sat up partly and pushed with all her might, trying futally to
 ignore the horrible tearing and burning sensation in her groin.  She huffed 
quickly and loudly then pushed again.  Sweat stuck her thick black hair to 
her head as Zelgadis stood by the midwife grasping tightly at his wife's hand 
while she screamed in pain.  
	Zelgadis thought to himself on how he would give anything to make 
her pain stop and the terrible feeling of bones being crushed in his hand to 
stop as well.
	"One more dear, one more...." the midwife wiped Amelia's brow with
 a wet cloth.
	"ok, ok ok ok ok." Amelia whispered trying to calm herself.  She took
 a deep breath and gritted her teath, growling and groaning as she pushed hard
 as she could.
	"I got her! She's out!" yelled the nursemaid as Amelia fell back with a
 sighing releif.  Zelgadis laughed sighingly and patted Amelia's hand, then
 kissed her head.
	The midwife went around and took the baby up, quickly cleaning her, 
cutting the umbilicle cord and wrapping her in a towel.
	"Here's your baby girl, Princess.  She's gorgeous." the midwife said, 
handing the bundle to a now crying Amelia.
	"Thank you, oh, thank you so much....... oh, Zel look at her." Amelia 
	"What are you going to name her, honey?" Zel asked kneeling next 
to his wife and baby, stroking it's soft head of hair.
	"I'm going to name her......" Amelia looked around to thing and stared 
out the window.
	The sun was coming up over the horizon.  They had been there all 
night since about midnight.
	Amelia smiled back at her husband then down at the baby. "Dawn.
 I'm going to name her Dawn." 
	Zelgadis smiled at the sun rising. "Such a perfect name for such a 
beautiful little girl." he breathed as his wife held her baby, yawning.  It followed
 her lead and shut it's eyes, but first grasping onto her finger with it's little hand
 and fallling fast to sleep.  Zelgadis brushed his wife and baby's forheads, then
 pulled up a chair to sleep beside them.

	"Gourry, would you come on! I want to see how Amelia's been doing!"
 Lina moaned to her fiancee who was dragging behind.
	He skipped up quickly to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder
 as he did so.  Lina just shook her head, laughing at him for being so silly.

	"Lord Zelgadis?" A maid approached him in the nursury as he was 
fixing the baby swing.
	"yes?" he turned to her, now wearing his crown.
	"There are two visitors here.  They say their names are Lina Inverse 
and Gourry Gabriev."
	Zel's eyes lit up as he thanked the maid and ran past her into the 
thrown room where they waited.  He smiled as he approached them, but 
they didn't recognize him.
	"Uh, oh. Zel's gonna be pissed when he finds out that Amelia got 
married to someone already." Lina said, not caring about her bluntness to the man.
	He just smiled even wider. "I don't think he will."
	"ZELGADIS?!?!?!" Lina and Gourry both facefaulted almost 
falling over.
	"Zel! Is that you?" Lina asked not exactly sure.
	"That's Prince Zel to you, Lina." he laughed, then embraced 
his old friend. "It's been a while."
	"Yeah! Wow! You and Amelia got married? When? Why
 weren't we invited?" she looked mad as she put her hands on her hips.
	"You were. We couldn't find you! It was a year and a half ago!" 
Zel explained.
	"Wow that long- oh! Ok, I know why you couldn't find us. We 
were at Gourry's parents house. I swear, only Gourry and his family 
know the way there.  It's a miracle that were not lost in the woods 
around there right now." Lina huffed poking Gourry.
	"Its' not that far." he mumbled.
	Lina just rolled her eyes. "So! Where's Amelia?"
	"OH! Let me go get her ok? We also have another suprise for
 you too." Zel grinned running off down a hall to the cleaning center for 
the baby.

	Zelgadis laughed to himself, seeing his wife leaning over the 
changing table, playing with the little girl.  
	"ewwwww...." Amelia teased the gurgling baby who giggled 
happily when the princess did so, "ewwww. Ah! You made a stinky!"
 she tickled the childs feet. "Yes you did. Yes you did! Ewww. Ewww.
 Stinky! Are you stinky? Your stinky..heehee"
	Amelia laughed at the baby as she wiped her lovingly and replaced
 the dirty diaper with a new clean one.  The baby scrunched it's little 
fingers giggling madly at the woman who made silly faces in front of her.
  She lifted the baby up in her arms, holding the back of the child's head
 as she tilted her back gasping each time she did, playfully, then laughing
 as she started towards the main hall.
	"You certainly can make her laugh." Zel smiled as his wife caught
 sight of him.
	"You should try it sometime, Zel. I'm sure you can make her laugh
 like that." Amelia teased.
	Zel frowned playfully. "I do. Here, let me see my girl." 
	Amelia handed the baby carefully over into it's father's arms.
 "Hey, sweetpea. Hey, you. How are you doing today pretty one? 
Did mommy make you laugh? Huh?" The baby smiled gleefully at
 the man above her.  What a silly man.  He was almost as silly as
 mommy at sometimes.  Zelgadis cradled the little girl in his arms,
 bouncing her softly as the three strolled down the hall back to the
 thrown room.
	"Guess who's here Amelia." Zel said smiling at her.
	"Who? The pope?" she teased sarcastically.
	"Go look in the thrown room." he said quietly.
	Amelia gave him a what-are-you-up-to look, but walked down
 the hall.  
	Amelia gasped happily at the sight of her old friends.  
"Lina! Gourry!" she cried.
	"Amelia!" Lina yelled and rushed at her friend, grabbing 
her up in a tight hold.
	Zelgadis came strolling in, holding the baby softly.
	"Wow, Zel, is that yours?" Gourry asked curiously.  Lina
 looked over confused and then gasped, her face lighting up. "A BABY!"
 she squealed softly. "Ohww."
	Zel smiled. "Yeah, Gourry, she's mine.  Ours actually", he said
 approaching his wife.
	Amelia smiled back at him, tickling the baby's stomach till it
 gurgled happily.
	"Ohhhhh, can I hold her?" Lina said, looking star struck at the
 baby girl.
	Zel just laughed and his wife nodded.  Lina carefully took the 
infant in her arms rocking her softly as the little girl smiled up at her. 
 Gourry leaned over her shoulder. 
	"Wow, she's pretty." he said.
	"Yeah." Lina breathed. "Oh, I wish I had a baby."
	Gourry decided to move away from her at this point, hoping
 that her sudden baby obsession wouldn't focus on him right then.
	Amelia smied as Lina handed the baby back. 
	"What's her name?" Lina asked, still playing with the baby's 
	"Dawn." Amelia smiled.
	"That's so pretty." Lina smiled at the little girl.
	"Well." Amelia softly clapped her hands, "How about some tea."

	"I still can't believe that you guys are married and already have 
a baby!!! And Zel,  when did you find your cure?"
	"Oh," Zel focused his attentions, placing his cup down and 
wrapping an arm around the back of the loveseat that him and his wife
 sat upon. "Well, I met a wishwizard. One of the last living.  You have 
to give one sacrifice for one wish. My sacrifice, of course was the power
 from my Chimeric skin.  My wish was to be myself again.  He granted it. 
No catches.  After that, I came back here and decided to stay a while 
since I had nothing important to do away and the more time I spent here, 
the closer we grew, I guess. It just sort of happened."
	Amelia smiled, but frowned when the baby started to fuss in her arms. 
"Oh.  She's hungry. I'll go feed her in the nursury."
	Zel nodded and she began to stand.
	"Wait, why not just feed her in here?" Lina asked.
	"Well, I don't think I should in front of the men."
	"Why not?"
	"Well, I breast-feed, see and I- just..."
	"Oh, they're big boys, they can handle it. Besides, it's natural 
right? And if they say one word, I'll fireball 'em.  I really want you and 
Dawn in here. She's so cute and we should talk more."
	"Well, I guess. Is that ok with you, Zel?"
	"Yeah. " Zel shrugged. "I don't mind, I've been there when 
you've done it before. Gourry on the other hand..."
	Gourry pouted. "My mother used to breast-feed my little
 brothers when I was a kid.  It's not like I haven't seen it before. No 
big deal."
	Lina just looked at him, then smiled at Amelia. "See? 
Unless you would be uncomfortable." Lina began.
	"No. I'm not." Amelia smiled, then nodded.  The room
 became silent, then a small chatter between Zel, Lina and Gourry began
 as Amelia pulled down the top of her loose dress below her left  breast. 
 It was slightly swollen and a bit purple from previous feedings.  She leaned 
the baby up and Dawn opened her tiny toothless mouth and took Amelia's 
areola and nipple into her mouth, suckling on her breast while grasping at it.
	"See, no big deal." Lina said and the group began their talk once 
again. The group discussed old times and Lina and Gourry agreed to stay 
in the castle for a week to catch up with their old friends.