(Author's Note: This is a different fanfic than Love Underconstruction just FYI.) Zel's Insanity Zel walked along the beach shoreline. It had been two months since he had seen anything of Amelia or the others. He wondered how they were. If Amelia was with... HIM... He had found out that Amelia had secretly seeing Xellos... while they were together. They didn't have sex or anything... It was just... a kiss. A single little kiss on the lips. Zel didn't know why she kissed him... only that he walked around the corner, saw Amelia go onto her tippy-toes, and give him a small mild little peck on the lips. Zel would have been just a little upset if it were someone else... but no! It had to be the one person whom he hated. He felt his eyes burn. They weren't bawling tears or sorrowful tears. He had already spent those. They were just a small sting. He didn't mean to, but when he got Amelia all alone, he swore at her, shook her by the shoulders, and, never ever did he mean to do this, but he was blinded by his own ignorance and hate, that he slapped her across the face. It wasn't just a little prissy slap but it was a full blown back-hand across her cheekbone. Those hurt the worst. In his own fury, he ended the growing relationship. They were so close too. Zel was even thinking about "popping" the question to her. Now the tears did fall as he had mental pictures of the earlier days, when they were happy. HE had kissed her. The kisses were so sweet. He could almost taste her sweet mouth now. 'How could I have been so stupid?' he thought gloomilly. She was his girl. She loved him. Though the actual words were never said, he could tell. His heart filled with pain. "I love you..." he muttered to himself. Those were the words he longed so to say to the woman who he broke the heart of. He would give anything to be back with her. Even, if he had it, he would give back his flesh to his chimera form. Even a last kiss would do. He felt it drove him mad inside thinking how stupid he was, like splinter in his mind. He really hadn't eaten anything since he left her. Nor stop walking for that matter. Ever since he stormed out of her life that night he hadn't stopped walking. He hadn't even slept. He ate... not very healthy though. Here and there he felt he was about to collapse, he'd hit a bird with a fireball and eat it. Just like that... without even truly cooking it. He'd peel the feathers off and begin to munch. The first time he did it he threw up. He was really skinny now. He hadn't even thought about curing himself now. All he ever thought about was Amelia and the others. They were several times close to... doing it. Even with his... manhood having emmbedded stones on it, Amelia didn't care. Zel was always the one who stopped them right before it happened. He refused to because he didn't want to hurt Amelia. He looked up and realized he was approaching a town. A rather big town. 'Could it be?' Zel thought. It was Seyruun. He didn't mean to come here. It just happened. He thought a moment as he kept walking towards it, 'Where were we... when... we... I... Xoana? Martina's newly rebuilt town?' He approached the castle and finally he stopped. It was an odd feeling. His knees wobbled a bit. He overlooked the castle. It was deserted. He felt his head as it began to hurt. He felt the wound at the side of his head. It was bleeding again. About a month ago, he ran into a battle with a monster. It hit him pretty hard against the head. Every so often the wound would bleed. Zel suspected the wound was small cracks in his skull, because if he pressed really hard it would begin to falter underneath his fingertips. Without proper care, it became heavilly infected to the point where the skin was bit green there. He felt the thick crimson blood on his fingers. He freed them of it when he licked it off. The word stupid lifted into his mind again. The grinned at the evil word, baring his teeth. He snuke into the castle, snikering. He slowly made his way into Amelia's quarters. She turned to see who had entered the room. When she saw who it was tears built up in her eyes. She stumbled over to him crying incontrollably. She fell into his arms and he held her there for a moment. He took her over to the bed and looked her over. She had grown rather attractive in the past months. As she began asking him a berage of questions, he ignored her a began unting her dress in front. She stopped and stared at him, confusion in her eyes. She backed up a bit and he went forward after her. Her breathing quickened at his nearness. He had a strange look in his eye. Suddenly, she knew what he was going to do. He was going to rape her. She got off the bed and ran to the door, but Zel followed and when she tried to open it he slammed it closed. She backed away from him, frightened. She began screaming for help but he grabbed onto her mouth. He slammed her back onto the bed and undressed her. Tears rolled down her face and she tried to break free from his tight grasp. Slowly, he undid his pants and began his evil buissness. First, he suckled her nipples and then he began to rob her of her virginity. She was only seventeen. She wasn't ready for this. Suddenly, she let out a loud scream when she felt a hot substance come from him and into her. She cried out knowing now, might bare the child of a maniac. She grabbed onto the bedposts and started sobbing. Finally, someone heard her cry and they entered the room. It was Lina! Lina gasped at what she saw. When she noticed Amelia had been crying, Lina knew what the man had been doing. She raised a sword and yelled at him to get off her. He stopped what he was doing but he didn't move. She repeated herself and again he didn't move. She moved very carefully towards the table and picked up vase. She got a little closer, then threw the vase, hitting him right at the injured part of his head. He fell off and hit the ground, cracking his head open. Lina ran over to Amelia and asked if she was okay. She shivered but slightly nodded. Lina ran to the other side of the bed to see who it was. She gasped when she saw it was Zel. She looked at Amelia and she was crying again. Lina looked at his wound and immediatly she knew he was dead. Quietly, she told Amelia that he was gone. Amelia screamed and tears flowed down her face. Lina silently reached over and closed Zel's eyelids. She felt on his shirt and found two items on him. A letter and an engagment ring. The letter read: My Dearest Amelia, It is I, Zelgadis. I'm so sorry for the way I acted. It wasn't fair to you. That kiss between you and Xellos, I forgive it with all my heart. There's no excuse for what I did and I'm so sorry. That kiss wasn't even that big a deal, it's just I thought that would be the end of our relationship. I couldn't let that be the end, I just couldn't bare it. I hope so that you forgive me. It means nothing to me now, not enough for us to be apart. I love you and I can't bare being away from you any more. When you get this letter, I'll be on my way over. When I arrive please, let's talk this over. If you do forgive me, I'll have a surprize waiting for you. -Your Love Always Zelgadis Lina's eyes filled with tears as she read the letter. She looked up at Amelia and she was still bawling. Lina folded the letter up and riped it up, then hid the ring and the letter in her pouch. Amelia's heart was already shattered, and why break it more? * * * The truth of the letter was it was written a week after he left. He intended to send the letter the next day but he was too scared to. So he postponed it until he went insane. After that he forgot all about it. The engagment ring was bought after he wrote the letter. The surprize that if they got back together, he'd ask to marry her. As the letter, it was forgotten too. However, the letter wasn't needed to ask forgiveness, because Amelia had forgiven him the second she saw him leave. * * * The point of the story isn't of explict goriness, violence, or heartbreak, but of forgiveness. If you get in a fight with someone, don't wait to say you're sorry. Friends are a valuable thing, probally the most valuable thing in your young lives right now, besides your family. Say you're sorry, because if you don't, you may just loose that person forever..... To My Best Friend and Brother: o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\O/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aqua Tenshi by @ \O/ | /\ Weir TenshiHOME