Welcome to my Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Writer's Challenge. This Weekly contest is set up for the BTVS writers of the world. Some of the writers have been specially contacted for their popular talent. Any writers, however are welcome to enter. The more the better. Please read the Statment of Rules and Guidelines before submitting any stories to me. Thank you.

Rules and Guidelines
1. All stories will inevitably be Willow/Spike, though you can add in Angel/Cordy if you want. They are all cute togather.

2.All stories must have a happy ending unless told otherwise in the reqirements. I have shed enough soggy tears over bad endings even if they are good stories.

3.Yes, I'll allow smut. SOme people like to write it. I like to read it. So, I'll definatly allow it, but it is not a requirement unless told in the challenge.

4.In my screwed up universe, Willow can indeed get pregnant from Spike. Whether it be by prophecy or by some other way or whatever. I love kids and I think Spike and Will would have great ones. He has to be happy about it though. A good father.:) I would also appreciate it if there were smut when you are writing a baby story, but because they are so cute, it's ok if it's not.

5.Spike is not to be portrayed as a bad boyfriend. That pisses me off. Sorry. They can have fights, but they need to be good for one another.

6.ALL STORIES MUST BE ORIGIONAL. No plagerism is allowed unless the origional author has told you so. Trust me, I'll know. I 've read pretty much every Spike/Willow and Spike/Willow/Cordy/Angel story there is out there.

7. No character deaths unless required. I hate it when people die. It really pulls me down.

8.Please make sure that when you send me the stories, tell me which story # it is a response to first and them mention your name, the title of the story and any other info you may want to give.

9.You can also send me any stories you want me to put up for any reason. I love stories and love to put them up.

10. Ok, I don't care now you portray Buffy. Sometimes she the supportive friend and sometimes she's the 'Kill Spike and his little slut, too!' Buffy. However you write her, I don't care as long as she doesn't kill the story line.

If you have any other rule ideas, send them to me at the e-mail listed below. I will post more if I have any.

Likes and Dislikes

Ok, here are some helpful hints to get on our better side of writing. We like the romance. LOVE IT. Love kids, love Smut, love lots of kisses....oops, sorry, that wasn't mine. :) Neways, we love the tropical and vacation settings. Ireland, England, Alcapaulco (HUH?), Mexico, Brazil, Puerto Rico and other cool places like that. Sunnydale is OK to stick to though. Also, the holdiay theme is a nice story maker as well as the clubbing or dancing theme. Willow's seduction of Spike really gets our gears going as well, but that is up to you if you want. We also love the Time Travel theme. So cute. Fantasy is what really gets my boat to floating!!! Somethign like a MidSummernights' Dream or something. Have you read Field of Dreams? Good Fantasy there. Bluemoon love, which I love and cannot remember the name of the writer (WHOEVER YOU ARE PLEASE WRITE ME AND REMIND ME!!!) is a great time travel story. WOW! Loved it. And it included a kid! Good deal. The beach. LOVE THE BEACH. Sorry, great setting...Spike in swim trunks, at least until we make him loose them. Heehee. (Evil look).

Dislikes are pairing Willow or SPike with anyone else unless required. Horrid. Spike leaving is a no-no. Willow leaving uh.. same. Angst. NO! Bad writer! Nught. No depression fests! NO Angelus kidnapping Will from Spike and hurting her. Kidnaping ok, hurting not ok.

Submition and Judging of stories

TO submit a story that you have written, read the rules and remember to follow rule #8. That is very important. Send any stories, suggestions, requests or whatnot to >>><<<<. This is very important! My other e-mail, the startrekmail is rarely checked, while this one is checked everyday almost. Please send them as either a notepad attatchment or in the message box of your e-mail. I will write you back to confirm recieving your story.

As for the judging. My self and three other friends of mine will read the stories togather and decide how to rate it and what rating to give it. I will place the stories as First, Second and Third place. All stories, however, will still be posted in the fanfic section of my BTVS linked site unless a removal or non-postage is requested.

Ok, well, until I think of more to say, go on to the page and read the Challenges.


E-mail me at: