Dear Nakago,

KOOOONNNIIIICHIIIIWAAA!!!Thanx for the advice about the
mailing thing. I highly appriciate it! It turns out that I am too busy to
turn out letters with school and everything anyway...
=^_^= How are you and Soi doing? I know I should talk to you guys more
often, but I don't...*yawns* sleepy...*hands Nakago and Soi two jumbo
boxes of assorted chocolates!* Happy Irhus-loves-her-anime-villains-day!


Dear Irhus-sama,

    We're quite busy, but doing well. Thank you for the chocolate.

Nakago and Soi

Dear Amiboshi,

 I just wanted to let you know that I love your voice. ^_^ I
finally got to listen to the whole version of your song Nocturne, and I
just feel a little "tug" every time I hear it. You've got a gorgeous
voice, Amiboshi-san. Sometime you ought to go out with your brother and go
busking somewhere- you and your brother could take turns either singing
or playing the flute. Just a thought.


Dear Songwind,

    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it so.


Dear Nakago,

 *Offers up pocky so he won't kill her* Hi. ^^;
I heard you like strategy games, so I was wondering if you've ever
played Fire Emblem. By the by... almost everyone I know who's heard your song "Blue Eyes Blue" hates it. I don't really, not if it's with the music video... Is that weird? Which of your songs do you like?


Dear Songwind,

    I haven't, but it looks intriguing. As to the songs, I prefer "Wanderer" more.


Dear Ashitare,

I just watched the movie called Grease 2. It's very scary- I
used to love that movie when I was a preteen, but now that I'm in my
late teens it just seems a bit overrated. The songs still easily get stuck
in my head, but they sound sillier than they used to. In case you don't
know about it, it tells the story of a really smart guy named Michael
falling in love with a female gang member- a Pink Lady- named Stephanie.
She doesn't notice him until he decides to become a biker.
Maybe I took it all so seriously when I was younger because I share
Stephanie's name and hair. Of course, the name's spelled differently, and
I look nothing like the actress, but...
Anyway, the point of this is that isn't it sort of sad that when you
get older, you don't see things in the same light? I used to watch the
same movie over and over again until I had it memorized. Now I can't
really stand watching something more than once a week, though I'm still the
same with my music....
I wish you had some vocals or something. That would be kind of cool. I
know a number of people don't really appreciate you because of what
happened in the series, but I believe a few of us would like to hear your
part of everything.
Anyway, thanks for listening (reading?) this rant.


Dear Songwind,

    Of course it is interesting, my dear, how our tatses grow and change. We all have things we can look back on that way. As for vocals, I'm afraid my singing voice leaves much to be desired, and everyone should be thankful I spared them.


Dear Tomo,

Hello Tomo, I'm back again. :hugs: I guess since you like
Nakago then it's ok to show you my true identity. :Pulls off hood of her
cloak to reveal light blonde hair and blue eyes:. Are we still cool? I've
noticed some people here don't like foreigners, por Nakago. Anyway, as
you can tell I'm kind of shy at first. I'm also adventurous, artistic,
courageous when it counts. I bet you're wondering where this is going.
:Pulls out some facepaint and different sizes of brushes:.
Could you paint my face according to my personality? I promise to sit
still until you're done.


Dear Kokoro,

    It's all well. Certainly, I will paint your face for you. *gathers brushes* I'm thinking red, blue and gold...


Dear Nakago,

Dear Honorable *wink* Nakago-sama,
I'm writing a book, problem is, i'm a wee bit stuck. Here is the
problem: the perky chick that fell in love with the hero must die but I
can't think of a suitably gruesome (and inexpensive) way.
With your vast knowledge I have great faith that you can help me in my plight.
Thank you oh great one.

Anubis' Duck

Dear Anubis' Duck,

    For that slow and grusome touch, use poison.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 I don't know if this has been asked, but describe your ideal
Miko (i.e. her assets and liabilities, her talents, etc....). :)


Dear sherie,

    Well, honestly it doesn't matter, as long as she's devoted to our cause and could bring Seiryuu to life for us.


Dear Tomo,

Dear Tomo-sama (great muse of the arts),
-Kabuki or Noh?
-Boxers, breifs,thongs,or commando?
-If Nakago asked (hypothetically) to wear different makeup, would you?

Anubis' Duck

Dear Anubis' Duck,

1) Kabuki

2) Wouldn't you like to know...

3) Of course!


Dear Nakago,

Did you ever like the Suzaku no Miko personally?


Dear Tamiyu,

    Not particularly.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hi all! It's been a while, hasn't it? Didn't you have a
computer virus, or something? My sympathies; my computer has been attacked by
virus' multiple times, so I know what it's like.
Oh, I'm not sure if I've told you this, but now I'm taking Japanese! I
suffered through Spanish for four years, and I still can't speak the
language very well. Now, I'm a part of Japanese club and am really
looking forward to the class in the mornings. We've just finished learning
the hiragana alphabet and are now learning verbs.
Let me try out some Japanese... Konnichiwa, minna-san! O-genki desu ka?
Watashi wa tegami o kakimasu.
Was that remotely understandable?
Let's see... B was very chewy today. Anything within three feet of his
mouth was in danger. It was very funny trying to put his bridle on;
he'd grab the browband, the cheek straps, the reins, the side of the bit,
anything but the bit! And when I finished getting one thing out of his
mouth, he'd be eating something else! I was laughing really hard by the
time I finished.
Sad news. My boss, T, thinks her favorite dog, N, is dying. N hasn't
been eating well for a couple of weeks, now she seems to have pneumonia.
We are all very worried and are hoping she'll get better!
How are things going for everyone? I imagine you're pretty busy, as
usual. Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, I hope you get lots of
candy! And no flames (though that may be a hopeless wish)!
Have a *great* week! Sayoonara!


Dear wryd,

    Wryd-san no nihongo jouzu ne! Suteki! Ganbatte ne!

We're glad to hear you and B are doing well. We haven't quite decided on costumes yet. We hope you have a wonderful Halloween!


Dear Ashitare,

*sits on a chair and pulls out a tea set* would you care for a
cup of tea? *sets a cup and some cookies infront of him* I just figured
I could talk to you because you seem like you need a good friend to
talk to, and it's always nice to have someone to talk to right?


Dear Kaya,

    Thank you, my dear, that would be lovely. It looks delicious.


Dear Nakago,

 do u like yui? and do u think she is cool?


Dear ruriko,

    Not really.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 Hey there! I haven't written to you guys in a while. I missed
you all! So, I've got some questions now.

First off, have you read the Chinese novel, "Romance of the Three
Kingdoms"? I'm pretty much certain you have, but if you haven't, go read it!
It's definitely interesting.

So, on to the next questions.

2) If you have read "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", who are your
favorite and least favorite characters, and why?

3) Which character/s do you identify yourself with?

I think that Nakago is very much like Cao Cao--- shrewd, ambitious,
charismatic, cunning, and with all the characteristics of a good leader.
As for Soi, I think she's like Diao Chan (beautiful, clever, seductive).
What do you think? :)

crystal tiara

Dear crystal tiara,

   Unfortunately we haven't yet, but we've added to our reading list.


Dear Ashitare,

I'm building a shrine to you and am wondering if you know any
other shrines so I could affiliate with them. Do you also have any
pictures of yourself? I'm in need of them too. --;

Thanks and have a great afterlife! :)


Dear Aniru,

    There is only one we know of, but the link seems to be down. You could try searching on Anipike. Good luck!


Dear Tomo,

Does your makeup dry up your skin? Seriously... it must clog your pores like there's no tomorrow!

Tasuki's Girl

Dear Tasuki's Girl,

    I use a variety of moisturizers to counteract that.


Dear Nakago,

 Hey Nakago. *Looks at Soi* sorry but i gotta do this *hugs
Nakago*You are my fav in the Seryiu*somthing like that* I love your pretty
hair and when you take your armor off *faints* anyway how do you keep
such a nice chest? i mean whooo!!


Dear SesshomyLover,

    Thank you....I think.


Dear Tomo,

My friend can copy your, 'cackle'. hey they have this really
funny UFO doll on this one website, i don't remember which one but your
outfit was perfectly detailed. and you had a mask that slipped on and
off for your makeup!It was 12", and i think it costed $70.00


Dear Ayame,

    How interesting! Actually Tsutsuji already made dolls for herself of all of us, but it's always fun to see new ones.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

 If you were able to trade places with (Byakko/Suzaku/Genbu) Seishi, who would it be, WHY would it be that certain Seishi, AND what would you do with their powers? Please answer separately!


Dear Astral,

 Nakago: Hotohori, for both his skill with a sword and his political power.

Soi: Nuriko; I always wanted to be stronger...

Amiboshi: Mitsukake, for the healing powers.

Suboshi: Tasuki--I'd love to have that fan!

Miboshi: Subaru, for the time magic.

Ashitare: Chiriko, for his intelligence.

Tomo: Chichiri, for his amazing magic, specifically the teleportation, useful for sneaking around...


Dear Nakago,

nakago you are by far the most attractive sieryu sieshi!My best friend agrees with me.


Dear Ayame,

    Thank you.


Dear Nakago,

Nakago-sama, why did you choose to manipulate Her Eminence
when she came the second time into the Universe of the Four Gods?


Dear SilverKitsune,

    It was the quickest way to reach my goal.


Dear Nakago,

Hi,Nakkie! You know,alot of people hate your hair. I don't
know why,though,I like it. Here's my question.
Why did you kiss Tamahome? I mean,really. I know you aren't gay. Why
did you do it,Nakkie?*hugs*


Dear Pidgey6,

    I did it only to throw him off guard. And it worked.


Dear Miboshi,

Tell me...What did your original body looked like before you
switched to that baby-body?....*sweatdrop*


Dear chibimars,

    I really don't remember, it was so long ago.


Dear Tomo,

Hey tomo my man why do you have to wear the paint i mean you
are soooooooooo hot without it? oh and in that one episode were miaka
stabs you with the pencil, how long can you make your hair?

Sesshomy Lover

Dear SesshomyLover,

    I wear it for my performances. My hair is naturally down to the floor, but in my illusion I can make it as long or as short as I please.


Dear Nakago,

Hey there,Nakkie! I love you and you're cool, but what's with
that dragon claw on your shoulder? Do you need it? Oops gotta go!
Bye-bye! ^_^


Dear Pidgey6,

    It is merely a decoration, a sign of devotion to Seiryuu.


Dear Nakago,

So basicaly you're not that cold?


Dear Kasumi,

    It depends on who you ask.


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