Dear Tomo,

Oii! You should like me! I plan to be yer clone fer All Hallows Eve!*Halloween, an DON'T as why I keep saying that* Hehehee...Shin included...soooo,
Mr. Oddball...are you really in love with Nakaho...
DA! I mean Nakago! Evil typo demons...*coughs* So
..? And will you an Soi please get along? And stop that #$%^ cackling please!*giggles* Maybe, you should remove your make up are so handsome with out yer face mask!*kisses Tomo on the lips and skips off*


Dear Keiko,

      Yes I love Nakago, no, I won't get along with Soi or remove the make-up...and no, I won't stop laughing! kakaka!


Dear Amiboshi,

Sorry to ask you this, but what kind of girl do you like?
Would she have to be drop-dead gorgeous? (the guys I know are all pretty shallow in that resprect.)
If I were to, ummmmmm, say, set you up with an ex-student of mine, would you go out with her?
I think she's been on here before, but I'm not sure, I'm going to check the letters after I finish writting this.

Lady Guardian Karika

Dear Lady Guardian Karika,

      I like girls who are peaceful, kind, generous, and an appreciation of music doesn't hurt. Who is this student of yours?


Dear Suboshi,

Gomen nasai, Suboshi-san. They are chocolate chip, but they're really good! *hands Suboshi a cookie* There you go!


Dear Rabbit,

      Well, I like those too! Arigatou!


Dear Miboshi,

*kicks Miboshi to the next dimension* DIE YOU EVIL MUNCHKIN!!! GO BACK TO EVIL MUNCHKIN LAND!!!


Dear Toshiko,

      Itai!! You didn't have to do that! You're a very mean person....


Dear Suboshi,

hi suboshi-kun!
how are you? i am just peachy, oh, that makes me think of miaka....oh well, thats okay.
so, i got another A on another test, and blah, blah, blah.okay nothing to say, hehehe it rhymes!
well, i should go study for my test tomorrow's test. got to, or i'll get a lower grade!
ja ne!::kisses him::
love ya!!


Dear yui-chan,

      Congratulations! Keep up the good work!


Dear Amiboshi,

Can you lisitn to me sing? ^.~


Dear Kimboshi,

      Sure, go ahead.


Dear Amiboshi,

Can we be your sisters? *kiss him*

Kimboshi and Dimboshi

Dear Kimboshi and Dimboshi,

      Um...wouldn't that be a little strange?


Dear Amiboshi,

thank you sooooo much for helping me!
since he is my first boyfriend,you helped alot.
they also said they just thought they did, but i'll still be really careful.
i love you too, like always, and tell suboshi i say hi, cuz i gotta go do my home work, or study, so bye!!!! arigato! gomen, aah, i'm sorry for putting prssure on you!


Dear bunny-chan,

      No problem; I hope it works out for you! Good luck!


Dear Amiboshi,

I'm doing great, except for the fact that my twin tries to hurt me every time I start to sing or play my flute. I think it's a beautiful sound, but she calls it a high-pitched headache.
I'm hurt, it's a beautiful sound! I wish I was as good friends with my twin as you were with Suboshi.
Do you sing? I bet you'd sound wonderful.
*gives him a kiss* I don't know why people seem to think that Suboshi's the cute one, you're adorable, ya know that?

Shrinemaiden Keisei

Dear Shrinemaiden Keisei,

      Thank you! Actually yes, I do sing, as does Suboshi. I'm sorry you're having trouble with your twin. Keep practicing; I'm sure it's beautiful!


Dear Nakago,

nakago if you hated it so much when tamahome kissed you then why did you kiss tamahome that one time?
also why did you just let soi die like that? it made me cry.
it was very mean. you are truly pure evil. no offense or anything because evil peoples are cool.


Dear me,

      I kissed Tamahome to catch him off guard and I didn't *let* Soi die.


Dear Miboshi,

why did you have to take chiriko????


Dear *cries*,

      Because I needed a body and his was the easiest to take.


Dear Amiboshi,

BECAUSE! Because you are... EVIL!


Dear QD,

      Why would you say something like that?

(*Suboshi begins to spin ryuuseisui* You're hurting his feelings. If you don't stop...)


Dear Tomo,

Hee hee! I was just at the Suzaku Seishi board, and Tamahome was just offered 2 million bucks to kiss you and he said he wouldn't do it. (Hmmm, that's odd, I'd do it for free, but hey.) Now let me get this straight, he'll kiss MIAKA, but you and Nakago gross him out? Now that makes sense! HAHAHAHAHAH! ^_^ Sorry, just had to share that with you!

Drew ^_^

Dear Drew ^_~,

      Really? Tamahome turned down MONEY? He must be sick or something.


Dear Amiboshi,

hi amiboshi kun.
how are you? why didnt you respond to my last letter? i have been waiting for you to respond but now im getting impatient. but the letter could have been too long or you could have been on vacation soooo...
my friend and i broke the desk so now its hard to type. but its ok.
i cant figure out how to scan my picture still soo... gomen.
i have a stupid c in science because of a stupid trebuchet project and the teacher said it had to throw acertain distance and mine didnt.
but then again i got a b or a on a civil war project in history and im happy.
i have nothing else to talk about and i figured i would ask my question and tell you what has been going on in my life for the time being.
ok i have to go now.
i love you.
**hugs and kisses him**
luv you!
ja ne!

honoka chan

Dear honoka chan,

      Good to hear from you; congratulations on your report. It's not that I didn't want to answer, but we simply don't have the space to answer every letter from everyone, as much as we'd like to. Trust me, we do read them all. *gives her a hug*


Dear Suboshi,

Konnichiwa, Suboshi-san! I just wanted to say that you're very kawaii! *offers him a cookie* I baked them myself! Want one?


Dear Rabbit,

      Yes, please, I would like one! Those wouldn't be almond cookies by any chance, would they?


Dear Soi,

WOO HOO! Go Soi! Way to keep your man, yo! (hee hee, firing lightening bolts at the competition, yer the greatest!) So hey, since I'm not after Nakago, I guess we can get along eh? And I was wondering about something, based upon a weird dream I had: If for some ungodly reason Nakago did decide to be with Tomo, what would you do? (I know it's an odd question, sorry!)

Shaggy @_@

Dear Shaggy @_@,

      Thanks! I find the lightening to be a great deterrant.

If Nakago decided to be with Tomo...well, is killing Tomo an option? (please tell me it is...)


Dear Miboshi,

I didn't make fun of your high voice....Yer kewl with me! *grins* As long as ya teach me some of your demonic magick! *evil chuckle* ^_~

Shaggy @_@

Dear Shaggy @_@,

      Well all right then...I'm glad you weren't...


Dear Tomo,

Heh heh. Just do a search for Sorcerer Hunters and you'll find all sorts of great pics of Marron. He's a bit of a goody two shoes(<---Oooo, Army Of Darkness reference!), but hey, you could break him of that right? *lol*
Anyway, you're both lovely and I just think you'd be great together! Wow, enough flattery for one letter? I think so! Oh, no wait, here's some more: My friend today told me that she thought you were a loser because your only (get that, *only* she says!) weapons are your clam shin and your feathers. (Like those aren't enough, right?) And get this, her fave seishi is CHIRIKO of all things! ERK! I almost went "Fight Club" on her little behind! Anywayz, talk to ya soon!

Drew ^_~

Dear Drew ^_~,

      Ah, he is quite attractive, I'd like to have him too. Of course, there's always room for corruption, even if he is a goody two shoes. I could take care of that.

Your friend's favorite seishi is CHIRIKO? The little kid with the pink ponytail? That's insane! Well, I'm glad you recognise my superiority, at least! kakaka!


Dear Nakago,

HI!!!! Nakago!!! I how still not mad about that ancdent that happen...sir what's your sign (example:cancer)thats my sign.Umm... i've going BYB! SIR!!


Dear Deserae,



Dear Amiboshi,

HI!!! Amiboshi!!! *KISSES HIM* Sorry for not writing comupter broke done. *sits next to amiboshi* If a mad-men came in and took me what would you do? OK you are playing truth or dare and you dare Nakago what would you tell him to do? Also Amiboshi what would you chosse truth or dare? *yawns* am so sleepey (time:11:53) fell's to sleep.


Dear Deserae,

      I'd rescue you, of course! As for truth or dare--I'd pick truth, and for Nakago, I'd dare him to kiss Tomo! I'd never happen, but still...


Dear Nakago,

I SORRY!!!!!!!! *CRYING* I SORRY!!!!!!! ~.~ I SO SORRY THAT I HIT YOU!!! i change my name into kimboshi, just so you can know. ~.~ this is doom day!


Dear Kimboshi,

      Apology accepted.


Dear Amiboshi,

HEY!!! Amiboshi!!!! * Des wave's her hand* HI!!AMIBOSHI * Doom Day jumps and waves* We change our nick~name. Doom Day turns into Kimboshi!!! Des turns into Dmiboshi!!! Sailor Scouts!!! opps!! we mean the BOSHI FAMILY!!! Ani't we cute??!! (^.^) (^,^)

Kimboshi and Dmiboshi (Doom Day and Deserae)

Dear Kimboshi and Dmiboshi,

      Suboshi and I are flattered, thank you!

(Suboshi: Tomo says it sounds like the bad results of a failed science experiment...but then, no one's changing their names ot be like him, are they? I think he's jealous!)

Boshi twins

Dear Nakago,

Nakago. I wanted to tell you I am sorry about what happened to your race. I dont think it's far that that sick Emeperor of your's did all those things to you. I am sowwy :hugs Nakago: If it makes you feel any better I wish every single night that you become a god. I love you Nakago, but dont worry I wont take ya way from Soi! ^^ anyway, bye! :kisses Nakago's cheek:

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

      Thank you, I appreciate your concern.
