Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Ohayo all,

Just something I've been pondering for awhile:

What's your greatest/worst fear?

And I expect an honest answer out of all of you or...or...or else!
*shakes mighty (pathetic) fist of death (minor injury) at all of you* ^_~

Chaotic Serenity

Dear Chaotic Serenity,

Tomo: Losing my voice or my ability to perform.

Soi: Being abandoned by the people I love.

Nakago: Failing in my goals for my country.

Amiboshi: Being helpless to protect the people I love.

Suboshi: I've pretty much already lived through everything I'm afraid of...I just don't want to go through it again.

Ashitare: Being incapable of defending myself. Well...and my library burning down.

Miboshi: Losing my sieshi powers.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hi all, I was wondering a few things, if you could have
carrers in the 20th Century world out of the book what would they be, and who
would you like to marry if you were living in this world?

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

Amiboshi: I'd be a professional flautist, of course! I don't know who I'd want to marry.

Suboshi: I'd be an athlete, and I'd want to marry Lady Yui!

Tomo: I would be an actor, and I don't know that I'd want to marry anyone, but I'd date a lot.

Ashitare: I think I would like to be an English Professor, at a prestigious university, of course. I would probably marry either Emma Thompson or Cher, I think.

Soi: I would like to be a model, or maybe a teacher for little children. I'd marry...someone that looks like Nakago, I guess.

Nakago: I would be in the military, and I have no interest in getting married.

Miboshi: I'd be a pyschic or something. As for marriage...someone with the same interest in the black arts that I have.


Dear Nakago,

You didn't answer my question correctly... O.K. if Soi NEVER
existed who would you want for your boy friend/ girl friend? You can
pick celebraties/models I don't care just not Soi, O.K.? Who's Taria ,or
whatever her name is? Who's your worst ex and why's that person so
terrible? Do you usually skip breakfast?(don't ask...) Who's your fave and
least fave of the Seiryuu?(not counting Soi, remember she doesn't exist
anymore...) Does Tomo's makeup and costume annoy you? What annoys you?
Do I annoy you? You know I ask you the most questions... What's your
least favorite ice cream? What's your fave candy? Have you ever played
Tekken 2? It's a great game! You guys would probly like it.

Klown Boy

Dear Klown Boy,

    If I had to pick, assuming she hadn't died, I would choose Taria. She was my best friend before my tribe was massacred. I never had a girlfriend, so I don't have an ex. I usually have breakfast. Aside from Soi, my favorite of th Seiryuu is Suboshi, and my least favorite is Tomo. Incompetence, stupidity and failure irritate me; so do Tomo and Amiboshi. I don't like coffee ice cream. I have never played Tekken 2, but I think Suboshi would like it.


Dear Miboshi,

Hi,me again! Anyways, would you ever posses someone who had 6
earrings on both ears,2 rings on an eyebrow and a tounge peircing?What
about a body full of tattoos?^_^Can you posses animals(ie a fish)?Would
you want to?What's your fave animal?
Are you allergic to anything?Am I annoying with all of my questions?Do
you watch any soap operas?
If so, which one(s)?Days of our Lives is getting really stupid....Uhh,yeah.


Dear Kalypso,

    I've never possessed people like you described. I suppose I'd be able to possess animals if I ever wanted to. I like mutated animals. I'm not allergic to anything that I know of. I never watch soap operas.


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

What is the meaning of life?(and please don't say 'to summon Seiryuu')


Dear Kalypso,

    We would say, to reach our goals and help the people we love.


Dear Nakago,

What are your opinion on the thrid oavs? I want to know before
I decide to watch or buy them, it kinda sucks if you guys arent in it

Ashley Chan

Dear Ashley Chan,

    We like them. They're interesting, although they'd be better we were in them.


Dear Ashitare,

**cracks up** Your response to the scary person who "whipped you across the face" was classic! I thoroughly enjoyed that. What is wrong with people? Homemade drugs are bad, boys and girls. Uh, anyway... not much of a question here, just that you must be one of the most intellectual seishi in the series. It's a shame that your character didn't have time to be developed past the beast-like persona you were given. You are one of my favorites in the series! Perhaps some day we could have tea together? Ja, Ashitare-san!


Dear Kei-chan,

    I wish that everyone would have gotten to know me better as well, but Nakago certainly vetoed that. Of course we can have tea together! Do you prefer scones
or cake?


Dear Soi,

looks at soi* hello.
*bows* i think you are so beautiful and me and my friend lynx-chan can
never put into words how cool you are and how much me adore you. I know
people don't feel this same way and they are intitled to there own
opinion but i think they have no reason to not like you except jelousy.
*growls**wages her tail and twitches her ears* i just emailed you to tell
you how much we like you becasue i don't think you get enough praise
and adoration. *hugs her* well ja *runs off*


Dear Tigress-chan,

Thank you for your sweet compliments.    


Dear Miboshi,

How does it feel to have all those magic 'powers' at your
finger tips? Why and when did you get interested in using black magic? And
could you teach me some spells?

Servent of Seiryuu

Dear Servant of Seiryuu,

    I've always been interested in magic; after I discovered my seishi powers, I became more powerful, and I wouldn't give them up for anything. I don't think you'd be able to use my spells, though, since they're chi-based.


Dear Tomo,

Sorry I hit the 'enter' button before I could put my name
*blushes* I'm the one who wrote the "I bet you are cute underneath your
mask" comment. I hope you forgive me *gives big puppy eyes and wimpers*

A very sorry follower of Tomo

Dear Follower of Tomo,

    Of course I do. I can always excuse people who appreciate greatness...


Dear Amiboshi,

So how does it feel to have a twin? I wish I had one so I wouldn't be so lonely^_^

Strange One

Dear Strange One,

    I'm glad I have Suboshi; I couldn't honestly imagine life without him. It's sometimes hard to have a twin, though, because you have to share everything. ^_^


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Why do you guys hate the Suzaku Seishi so much? And do you guys really enjoy being evil? If so why?

Strange One

Dear Strange One,

    Suboshi is the only one who really hates the Suzaku; they're just in the way for the rest of us. Tomo and Miboshi do genuinely enjoy being evil.


Dear Amiboshi,

It's me again, seldom really all here... ^_^; School's almost out for the summer, so I'm pretty happy, except for the fact that I didn't get picked to participate in our school's exchange program with a town in Japan... ;.; I've been looking forward to it since sixth grade, but they _had_ to pick the two male applicants and the two girls who have already traveled all over (one of them's met the president). I'll try to quit complaining, but now what am I going to do all summer? Not to mention how much I reeeeally wanted to go to Japan... sigh. On the bright side, I recently got one of the other students in my writing class addicted to Fushigi Yuugi... he's seen/read half of it now, and he was really upset when you "died" right after the failed summoning... I'm trying not to spoil the rest of it for him, but it's hard. In the meantime, another very nice friend of mine has lent me his old PlayStation and Final Fantasy VIII, so I've got something to keep me occupied when I'm bored...
Oooh! That reminds me! (Last thing, I'll leave you alone after this) Yesterday I went to my kendo class and I got to use a "real" sword- one with a blade- because I knew the whole hapkido form. It was fun. ^_^
Here, have some mystery cake for your patience... Actually, it's not poisoned... It's tomato soup cake. No, really, it's good... eheh...

Neko4 (your Official Glomper)

Dear Neko4,

    I'm really sorry that you didn't get into the exchange program. I hope that you'll have another opportunity soon. I've heard that many people like FF8, so I think you'll enjoy it. ^_^ Congratulations on your progess in kendo! *takes cake* Tomato...soup...? Thank you...


Dear Suboshi,

So how does it feel to have a twin? I think it would be cool to have someone that understands you all the time^_^

Strange One

Dear Strange One,

   I like it a lot. Aniki and I are very close. The only hard part is that when your twin is in pain, so are you...


Dear Seiryuu Seishi,

Hi! I have a question for you, albeit a stupid one. Have
you guys ever gone out for Halloween? I mean, dressed up? Personally,
one of the Halloweens I remember most clearly is when my father dressed
up as a witch. Green face makeup and all. He even had the cackle down
pat. I think this question has been answered before, but I'm too lazy
to look for it in the archives. Sorry. And Amiboshi, would you play a
song for me? I found many of the songs played in the "Fushigi Yuugi"
series quite beautiful. You could just play anything you like, as long
as it is not that mind-bending one.


Dear Mitzi,

    We haven't yet, but we would like to. Tomo salivates at the idea of making new costumes. Your father sounds like a lot of fun. Amiboshi says he will certainly play for you, if you tell him which song you would like.


Dear Suboshi,

Do you LIKE your brother or something (I mean in an odd sorta way) Because my Sister and I have been wondering bout that... um well Arigato!


Dear Yume,

    I assume you mean in a hentai way? The answer is absolutely not!!


Dear Soi,

Why do you like Nakago so much? I know he saved you but could
you ever love someone else? If you 2 had kids I think they would look
cool but that's just me

Servent of Seiryuu

Dear Servant of Seiryuu,

    Nakago helped me...after he rescued me, I wanted to see him again so badly it gave me the strength to go on. I suppose I could love someone else if the right person came along.


Dear Nakago,

I like your blonde hair^_^ It is really cool but would you ever die it a different color? If so what? (I think you would look cool with black hair and silver streaks but that is just me^_^)

Strange One

Dear Strange One,

    I have no interest in dying my hair.
