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Sailor Jupiter (Lita's) Profile

Name: Lita/ Makoto

Meaning: Wisdom of trees

Birthday: December 5

Astrological sign: Saggitarius

Blood type: O+

Height: 5'6"

Favorite color: Green and sugar-pink

Hobbies: Chasing after guys that look like her old boyfriend (in other words, any guy she comes in contact with),cooking, and bargain- hunting

Favorite food: Cherry pie

Least favorite food: Are you kidding?! She doesn't have one!

Best friend(s): Mina, Serena, and Ken

Favorite gemstone: Emerald

Favorite animal: Horse

Favorite subject: Home economics

Least favorite subject: Physics

Strong points: Cooking and fighting (but that comes for the worse sometimes, she got kicked out her old school for that)

Fear: Airplanes; her parents died in one

Dream: To own a bakery/floral shop and to get married

Lita/Makoto is the tallest of the inner Scouts/Senshi and the second tallest over all the Scouts (Uranus/Haruka is a little taller). She fights well in head-to-head combat unlike Ami/Mercury who'd rather use her head. She loves to cook and Lita likes to face challenges, not hide from them like a coward.

Sailor Jupiter!!

Powers (Sailor Moon)

Jupiter Power/ Jupiter Power Make-Up

This is what Lita/Makoto says to transform into Sailor Jupiter.

Jupiter Thunder Crash/ Supreme Thunder

Sailor Jupiter says this and a "rod" appears ut of her tiara and collects lightning bolts which she then directs it to attack the enemy.

Powers(Sailor Moon R)

Jupiter Star Power/ Jupiter Star Power Make- Up

Lita/ Makoto says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter

Jupiter Thunder Dragon/ Supreme Thunder Dragon

Sailor Jupiter says this and a lighting dragon appears. The dragon diminishes the enemy.

Jupiter Thunder Clap Zap/ Sparkling Wide Pressure

Jupiter says this to create an energy bolt which she hurls at the enemy.

Powers (Sailor Moon S)

Jupiter Crystal Power Make- Up

Lita/ Makoto says this to transform into Sailor Jupiter

Jupiter Oak Evolution

Sailor Jupiter says this and oak leaves swarm her body and then are released torwards the enemy and destroys it.