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with a heavy heart, i take bssmbpg down. this page has been a labor
of love for quite awhile but for the last probably, 9 months, i have had
less and less time to be able to spend on it. it dwindled down to no time
at all.  so i am taking it down (whats left of it) and leaving this page up
as a goodbye to what was a great page XD  i want to thank *all* of you
for making this site everything it was. i want to thank abpsm for supplying
me with pictures, support and love :)  you guys are great :)

for those who are interested, i have my main page, which is my homepage
and my art and fanart page. i would be honored for you to check it out.

just follow the link :)

of you wonderful folks have made this site what it was