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Fanart by Me, Kamejen.
I realize that they aren't the cream o' the crop, but please don't use these images without my (or in the case of the manga, the original artist's) permission, 'kay?

Fanart inspired by "The Real Story of Bulma Briefs"

As you can guess, my favorite drawing.--I guess this is from Bulma's fight with Nappa, but I only say that because I drew it at about the same time I was writing that part of my fic.
Bulma Versus Radditz.--Yeah, you guessed it. This is from when Bulma challenged Radditz on Kame Sennin's island. Probably a good thing she didn't get a chance to fight him, huh?
My favorite sketch of Bulma in her gi.--Incidentally, I drew this one during Calculus class in college. Strange how Math makes me draw more. You'll notice that later on.
Not a very good sketch but the first full-body image I drew of Bulma in her gi.
Bulma is about to shoot a ki blast at you.--Also not my favorite drawing...
My solution, as shown above, to the dilemma that I was experiencing previously. I hope you like it! It was a tough decision between Oolong and Roshi, but I like the way he looked better.
Here's a little pic of Bulma in her armor, with a nice Namekian background. I got it as close to what I described in my story as I could!
Here's the latest fanpic I created to coincide with a certain event of my story. :) For those of you who read my fanfic, you'll know where this comes from!

My latest work. I created this image for the sole purpose of being the welcome image for my main page of the revamped site. Pretty good, ne?

Other DBZ Fanart

My first drawing of Vegita.--I drew this on the computer one day. I don't like the way the colors turned out, and saving a bitmap as a jpeg in paint will murder your image quality!
Another Veggie pic, but much funnier!--I was debating taking a bowling class for P.E. in College one day...
My first drawing of Bulma.--Also drawn on the computer, at around the same time I made the Vegita one. Let's just say that I liked that pair from the beginning.
My entry for the Animerica Anime Ad contest.--Alright, here's the deal. I entered a contest in Animerica magazine for which you draw an ad for a real-life product, only you have to incorporate one or more anime characters into the drawing. Well, this is the one I did, and as you may have already guessed, I used Bulma in my ad. The idea came to me as I was pondering the fact that the DBZ characters have some amazingly funny hairstyles, and Bulma is no exception. At any rate, I think the product suits the purpose well, don't you?
***Update!!!*** Go here to see the winners of that contest. I didn't win, but I didn't really expect to, either. Check out the McDonald's one! It's hilarious!

I drew this dragonball on the computer, but I never really did much with it.--Just thought I'd put it in here.
My pumpkin carving for halloween.--Okay, okay, I know it's not exactly fanart, but you have to admit, the expression is Kuririn exactly! Lol.
Radditz as a Super Saiyan. I made this one for Christmas for a Radditz otaku who is a really good friend of mine. Turned out pretty good, I guess, except for the hair. Anyway, I thought I'd put it in here anyway.
Bulma, Vegita, and a sprig of mistletoe. :) Actually, the idea for this one came from a person who signed my guestbook. She said she would have liked to see a Christmas drawing of Bulma and Vegita. And for some reason, this idea just popped in my head. I hope you like it as much as I do. :)


I just love fanmanga! And I want more, as long as it has plenty of Bulma in it! The same rules go for the Fanmanga as for the fanart. Keep it tasteful, and keep it Bulma! I'm willing to give a little more leeway on both conditions for the fanmanga, though. Just email it to me and ask me to put it in here. More than likely, I'll agree wholeheartedly, but I'd like to read it before I put it up, of course! Oh, and one other thing. I've already had requests to do some fanmanga based on my fanfic. What you do your fanmanga on is your own decision. You can base it on my fanfic if you want to (I'd be terribly flattered, btw!), but don't feel like that's all you can do! Be creative, and have fun! It shows more than any kind of artistic skill in the world when you have fun drawing your manga! Oh yeah, and if you do create a manga based on my story, don't feel like you have to keep the dialogue EXACTLY the same. I realize that I get a bit long-winded at times, and there is such a thing as artistic license, you know! As long as you don't butcher my story, feel free to cut out stuff if you like, and even add stuff in too. This is YOUR manga! I hope to get lots more submissions in soon! For now, I only have two fanmangas, and they're each off to a great start!

The Real Story of Bulma Briefs
By: SSJ Nanz
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A Dirty Little Secret
By: SSJ Nanz
Note: This manga is about some of the earlier undertakings of the message board. I've decided to put it up, making a rare exception to the "no Bulma" policy. It's pretty darn funny, though!

Cover Page 1

The Real Story of Bulma Briefs
By: SuperDuperSaiyajin (SDSJ)

Before reading, why not take a look at some comments by the artist?
Cover Page Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16

Well, I don't really know the title yet...()
By: Golden Oozaru Phoenix

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