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Chapter 2

"Well, Dad, I think we've finally outdone ourselves this time," Bulma said, stepping back to inspect their last finishing touches. "This is definitely some of the best work we've ever done." The spaceship was finally ready to go. It had taken them five days of nearly nonstop work, but their labor had finally paid off.

"I agree," Dr. Briefs replied, wiping a bit of grease onto his lab coat. "I'm really pleased with the way this thing turned out. And the advances in technology that we've discovered are astounding!"

"My favorite is the fuel," Bulma said. "Who ever heard of using salt water as a fuel source? And not only that, it's nearly self-sufficient! We can get a million light-years to the gallon!"

"You'd better go call Gohan and Kuririn and tell them it's finished," Dr. Briefs said, glancing at his watch. "And don't forget to call Goku and tell him I'm resuming my work on his ship tomorrow."

"I know Gohan and Kuririn will be glad to hear the news," Bulma sighed. "We're all anxious to get to Namek and wish the others back before Vegita gets there. I just hope we get there first. We barely defeated him here, even with Goku's help. I hate to think of what might happen if we get to Namek and Vegita's already there."

"This whole fighting thing has your mother very worried," Bulma's father said. "And I'm not exactly thrilled about it either. But I want you to promise me something, Bulma. I want you to promise me that, even if you don't get to wish Yamucha back, you'll come back to us alive."

"Dad, you know I have no way of knowing what might happen to us up there," she said, hugging him warmly. "I can't make that promise. But don't worry. I'm sure everything will work out. After all, I did inherit your good sense, didn't I?" She kissed him on the cheek and ran into the house to call Kuririn.

"That's what I'm afraid of," her father said softly, shaking his head.

On to the next Chapter!