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Awards You Can Win!

BEAUTY: To win this you must have a beautiful site with very few broken links

FANFIC: I have to love your fan fic

ROMANCE: your site has be a romance page, ho henti!

For the next 7 awards your site has to be a shrine about the person or you just love them allot.

FAVORITE SITE: You can not apply for this award only thoose I think deserve it will get it

ADORABLE: Your site has to be adorable

MOST PERFECT: for this award you have to be a really good site and impress me evry much (this is hard to win)

GOOD START:you win this by having a new page and its really col

Not all the shrine awards are up yet sorry. Now here are the rules
1: Apply for as many as you want
2: You have to have a site
3: I would really apriciate it if you linked back to me.
4:Don't yell at me if you don't get an award, and hey I usally always give an award
5: include your site html in the e-mail

Email me the awards you wanna win here!

High Graphics
Low Graphics