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Sailor Mercury

English Name: Amy Anderson or Mizuno (she's been called both)
Japanese Name: Ami Mizuno
Age: 14
Birthdate: September 10th
Astrological sign: Virgo
Height: 5'2"
Blood Type: A
Hobbies: Chess, Computers, reading
Favorite Color: Aquamarine
Favorite Gemstone: Sapphire
Favorite Food: Sandwiches
Least Favorite Food: Yellow-tailed tuna (hamachi)
Favorite Suject: Math
Least Favorite Subject: None
Streangths: Calculations, memorization, strategy
Weaknesses: Love letters, relaxation
Goal: To be a doctor

About Sailor Mercury

Sailor Mercury may have weak offense, but she has great defense! Her Mercury Bubbles can confuse her enemies so the other soldiers can attack. Plus, Sailor Mercury is the brains of the group. She gets all sorts of cool gizmos to figure out the details that no one else could. Her friendly nature means that she is Sailor Moon's best friend who is a sailor soldier, and Luna likes her as well. However, Amy is shy and sometimes gets too caught up in her school work - things that sometimes drive people crazy!

Okay I'm probablt going to get alot of mean letters but here goes.. I HATE AMY! She runs around with a comp on her face or in her hands only figuring out the obvious then she says it. Its like oh mi god shut up. Study study study yeah right I'd kill her. Seriously all the scouts should gang up and kill her, they could take her out with one blow. Afermative right? Ahhh stupid blue hair stupid voice. I hate her!
Enje's thoughts
I think that even though Amy may be a bit nerdy at times, her caring nature makes up for it all. Also, she is the strongest defence the group has, besides Sailor Moon's power.