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Sailor Moon

English Name: Serena
Japanese Name: Usagi Tsukino
Age (season 1): 14
Birthday: June 30th
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Height: 4'11"
Blood type: O-
Hobbies: Eating , shopping, video games
Fav color: White
Fav Gemstone: Diamond
Fav food: Ice Cream
Least fav food: Carrots
Fav subject: Home ec.
Least fav subject: Math
Strengths: Crying, loyalty, spirit
Weaknesses: Lateness, school, thunderstorms
Goal: To marry Darien

My Thoughts

I love Serena well not in a sick way. But she ditzy way is just so cute I mean its adorable. She really changes throughout the season. In the beggining she was all scared and stuff then at the end she's fearless. I really don't understand why only in the first epsisode she could hear from thoose things on her head. Weird. Also how is it that she's dating an 18 year old at 14... My parents would've flipped!