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Sailor Venus

English Name: Mina
Japanese Name: Mina Aino
Age: 14
Birthdate: October 22
Astrological sign: Libra
Height: 5'0"
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Shopping, acting, chasing idols
Favorite Color: yellow and red
Favorite Gemstone: Topaz
Favorite Food: Gyouza(stuffed dumplings) ramen noodles, and curry
Least Favorite Food: Shiitake mushrooms
Favorite Suject: P.E.
Least Favorite Subject: Everything else
Streangths: Relaxing, idolizing others
Weaknesses: The police
Goal: To become an idol

My Thoughts

I love Venus. She's like gotta be the coolest. She's funny and caring and has great hair. She's gotta the coolest powers. Her Love Kiss thing is so pretty. PLus she's got Arty and he's sooo cute!
