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The Pretty Senshi's Fate

One boring day, Galaxia sat at her throne thinking of what to do about the senshi. She quickly put her plans together. Everything went dark as she grinned evilly.

Later that day Serena was reading a comic book at Rei's temple. Of coarse Rei came in and screamed and yelled at Serena. Serena was laughing hysterically.

She got up still laughing and walked out of the temple. As she was walking Seyia was carrying a bag of groceries. Serena bumped into Seyia. "Um sorry Serena." He said blushing. Serena just shrugged and walked away. Seyia kept blushing as she was walking ^-^.

Trista was walking peacefully when all of a sudden she saw Galaxia taking a star seed from another person. Trista shouted PLUTO PLANET POWER MAKEUP!!! Galaxia stared at Trista transforming and was ready to attack.

After she transformed, Galaxia transported the two of them to her lair. "So Pluto, now is the time you show up." Galaxia said with a grin.

Pluto was startled when she heard Saturn walk in. "Oh Saturn you're here!" she said with a smile ^-^. Saturn used her silent glaive on Galaxia, but Galaxia shield herself. She used energy to knock down Saturn.

Pluto saw the face of Hotaru come out of Saturn. "Goodbye Hotaru." Galaxia snickered. Her star seed disappeared. Pluto knew what her fate would be. She was too weak against Galaxia so she thought of the only thing she could do to stop her.

Pluto closed her eyes and held her staff with the garnet orb up. PLUTO DEADLY SCREAM she said with tears down her face. Galaxia forced the attack to stop. She took Pluto's staff and broke it in half.

"Say goodbye Pluto." Galaxia said with an evil look.. Pluto was crying when she saw the face of herself (Trista). Then her star seed disappeared. The lair went pitch black with howls of laughter.

The next day Serena went to Trista's house to ask her who are the new enemies. She knocked on the door, but there was no answer. "That's strange, Hotaru would answer if Trista weren't here."She noticed a hand on her shoulder. Serena turned around to see Darien smiling. "Wattcha doing here meatball head?" Serena was angry at Darien and walked away.

Ami and Rei were walking and spotted Serena in her angry mood. Serena just ignored them and walked away. All of a sudden Rei was caught in a pile of slime. She screamed. Serena looked up. The slime took Rei's star seed. The seed faded as Serena saw Rei's regular face. MERCURY STAR POWER MAKEUP!!!!, Ami screamed. Serena with tears streaming down her face also screamed MOON PRISM POWER MAKEUP!!!! While she was transforming the slime had gotten Sailor Mercury's seed. After she transformed she saw Ami's face fade with the star seed. Before Sailor moon could do anything, the slime left. Sailor moon sighed.

Down deep in Galaxia's lair was more laughing. "Goodbye Mars, Mercury." Galaxia snickered. She put the four star seeds in a place where no one can get them, only chaos and herself. Then there was silence when Sailor Lead Crow approached.

"May I speak master?" Crow said with a bow. Galaxia eyed her and said, "You may Crow." "I know the identity of sailor moon." She said with a smile. Galaxia was pleased but told Crow that they must get the other senshi before getting sailor moon. With that, the room went dark and Crow left the lair.

Lita was shocked to find out what had happened to her friends. "You don't mean it do you Serena" Mina said with tears down her face. Serena only looked down at the floor remembering what she has seen. " I think she also got Trista and Hotaru." Serena sadly exclaimed.

Lita and Mina walked off. Serena followed. As they were walking they bumped into a tall woman with a top hat. They all said sorry and asked for the woman's name. "Um my name.....hmmmm. Karasuma Akane. Whats yours?" Mina ,Lita and Serena introduced themselves. Then the woman ran off. Serena was thinking what a strange woman.

"Thats sailor moon, jupiter, and venus." Crow(akane) exclaimed. She cracked her whip after she ran and transformed. She ran back and screamed, "Prepare for your doom SENSHI!!!" Lita , Serena, and Mina all said at once "Akane is............SAILOR LEAD CROW!!!" JUPITER STAR POWER MAKEUP!!!! Lita screamed. VENUS STAR POWER!!!! Mina screamed. MOON PRISM POWER!!!! Serena screamed. Lead crow cracked her whip at Venus. ENERGY BLAST Crow screamed. A blast of energy came out of her bracelets and hit Venus. Her star seed came out. Crow grabbed it. Serena, and Lita saw Mina's face fade as her seed faded.

JUPITER OAK EVOLUTION!!!! Jupiter screamed with tears rolling down her face. Crow cracked her whip at the leaves. "Oh no!" Jupiter cried. Crow ripped the star seed out of Jupiter. MOON THEREPY KISS sailor moon shouted. The great energy hit crow destroying her. Jupiter's seed fell out of her hand. Sailor moon ran to get it, but Galaxia showed up and took it. "Bye Bye Jupiter, Venus." Galaxia said and left snickering.

Sailor moon fell to her knees crying. Behind her stood the starlights and princess Kakyuu. Sadly they looked at the sky. The starlights knew that they would find a way to stop her. All of a sudden, they were teleported to Galaxia's lair. Galaxia blasted sailor moon. Her star seed came out. Sadly, Kakyuu came near sailor moon and took the seed. She lifted it up to the sky. "This all I have left to live sailor moon." she said. She used her last energy to make sailor moon alive. The star seed went back into sailor moon making her seed untouchable.

Kakyuu fainted. "Good bye stars." she last said and died. Kakyuu died in sailor moon's arms. Galaxia took Kakyuu's star seed. Sailor moon stood up. "How could you be so cruel?" she said teary eyed. Sailor moon took out the silver crystal. She held it up. Energy blast hit Galaxia killing her, never letting her live again. Galaxia was to be locked up in a different world forever.

The star lights' seeds flew away onto their planet. Chiba Chiba and Sailor Moon's soul soar into the sky . She thought to herself," We'll defeat her again.......... someday."

