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We say, I’ve found the one I’ll never love again… Then we grow up

The Kiss That Grew UP

........ “Mom I’m going to the mall okay.” Rini said and began walking out the doors.
........ “Rini.” Serena said in a stern voice.
........ “Yes mom?”
........ “I believe you’re grounded.” Serena said. Rini threw off her coat and ran up stairs crying.
........ “You never love me, you’ve always hated me! You never let me do anything!” Rini screamed. She plopped on her bed wiping the tears off with her comforter. She slowly got up and went to a drawer she pulled out some colored pencils and paper. She then began sketching. It ended up being a picture of a white horse that had wings like an angel. She set it down and leaned up against the wall. “Pegasus” she whispered.
........ In a sudden urge she ran back to her vanity and opened a drawer inside laid the bell given to her by an old friend. She picked it up gently afraid that if it broke she whole life would be gone. She ran her fingers across the smooth gold. She looked out the window two doves flew off the tree she watched them fly across the road and land on the window still of another house.
Curious she set........ the bell down and walked toward the window. The window of the house across the street opened, and the doves flew into the air. Rini leaned further out to see who it was. A boy her age with brown hair leaned on the window still. He looked very handsome to Rini so she decided to stay and watch him. An orange cat joined the boy he pet it and smiled at Rini then he turned around and shut the window. Rini jumped on her bed and smiled.
........ The door cracked open and Diana walked in, “Rini. What were you doing?” She asked.
........ Rini got off the bed and laid on the floor next to Diana. She swung her legs back and forth as she lay on her stomach. “I was watching the neighbors”
........ “We’re you ease dropping?”
“No. Just interested.” She turned over on her back “The new people across the street have an orange cat.”
........ “Yes I know.” Diana said going to Rini’s side her little bell chiming.
........ “We should go over and talk to him.”
........ “Rini you’re grounded.”
........ “So. I’m just being neighborly.” Rini said and stood up. She grabbed some peppermint and a cute little bag. She picked up Diana and left her room.
........ She walked down the steps as quietly as possible she slowly opened the door and shut it delicately. Then she sprinted across the street. Went up to the door and knocked.
........ Inside she heard voices. Then someone cam to the door peeked out and opened it. It was an older lady in her forties. Rini figured it was the boy’s mom. “Hello I’m Rini I live across the street.” She said in a cheerful voice.
........ “Oh come on in. My name is Mary. This is my son Seth.” The woman said. Rini smiled at Seth and he nodded back.
........ “I saw that you guys have a cat. I brought mine. Her name is Diana.” Rini said.
........ “She’s adorable.” Mary said petting Diana. Seth got up and walked into another room then came back with the orange cat.
........ “This is Julius.” Seth said his voice was deep and comforting to Rini.
........ “I also brought some mints.” Rini said and set the bag on the coffee table.
........ “You’re about Seth’s age why don’t you give him a tour of the town we’re new here.” Mary said.
........ “Sure I wouldn’t mind that at all. I know some great hang out places.” Rini said. She was ecstatic it was sort of like a date.
........ “I guess that would be fun” Seth said and set Julius down.
........ Rini smiled, “Well I can first take you to Crown Fruit Parlor. They have the best milk shakes.” Seth opened the door for her. “Then we can go to the arcade.”
........ “Sounds like fun.” Seth said.
........ “So where are you from?” Rini asked.
........ “America, California.” Seth replied.
........ “Oh I’ve always wanted to go there. Why did you guys move here?” Rini asked.
........ “My mom got a job offer and she took it.” Seth replied. The conversation continued until they got to Crown Fruit Parlor.
........ Rini was hoping one of her friends from school would be there so she could show off Seth. She looked around and spotted Alisa, the owner’s daughter. She took Seth over to the booth where she was sitting and sat down.
........ “Hey Alisa.” Rini said.
........ “Rini! Who’s your friend?” Alisa asked, she flung her blonde hair behind her shoulder.
........ “My name’s Seth. I moved her from California.” Seth replied shaking her hand.
........ “Oh do you know how to surf?” Alisa asked smiling. Rini watched them have their conversation and didn’t say anything the whole time. She could tell Alisa was flirting and that was getting Rini really mad.
........ “Oh wow look at the time.” Rini said. “Come on Seth we have to go.”
........ “But I thought we were going to the arcade.” Seth said.
........ Rini grabbed his wrist. “But I promised my mom I’d be back.” Rini said she began tapping her foot a habit she gained when she lies.
........ “Seth, I’ll show you the arcade. My family also owns that.” Alisa said.
........ “Um, I guess if that’s okay with you Rini.” Seth said biting his lip.
........ “Its okay.” Alisa said before Rini had a chance to say anything.
........ “Okay, bye Rini.” Seth said.
........ “Yeah bye Rini.” Alisa added.
........ Rini watched them leave then ran the opposite way. She ran until she got to some stairs the sat down and began to cry. Just to her luck it also began to storm. She looked up at the dark blue sky and wished that she could fly away. “Rini!” A voice yelled. Rini turned to see her dad soaking wet standing at the top of the steps. “C’mon hunny we have to get home.”
........ Rini stood up and walked up the stairs to her dad and gave him a hug. “I wish I never screwed up, Mom’s going to be so mad at me.”
........ “It’s going to be okay lets just get in the car.” Darien said.
........ When Rini got home she ran up to her room to avoid a confrontation with her mom. She looked out the window; Alisa and Seth were standing under his front door. “I hate him!” Rini screamed she jumped on her bed but screamed out when something drove into her back. She sat up and pulled her covers away. There lay the bell from earlier.
........ “Helios loved me.” Rini said to her self as she hugged it. She eyed her, “I wonder.” She stood up and rang the bell. This time no one came to her but she appeared in a building with red roses all around and in the middle Helios was standing. He looked the same still like an angel to Rini.
........ “Rini, I’ve been waiting.” Helios said.
........ Rini slowly walked toward him, something didn’t feel right. Not like before. “Hello.” She said stopping in front of him.
........ “You’ve grown up.” Helios said we walked closer to Rini. She assumed he was going to his her hand but instead kissed her cheek. He backed away. Rini touched the spot where he had kissed her. She felt nothing not like the first time. “What’s wrong?”
........ “Everything is changing. I thought I loved you but just now I felt nothing. What’s wrong?” Rini asked.
........ Helios picked a rose, “You’re growing up. Slowly your dreams are becoming reality.” He handed Rini the rose. “Don’t forget me.”
........ “Helios what’s happening?” Rini asked. Her pigtails fell out and her wavy pink hair fell down her back.
........ “You’re growing up.” Helios replied. “I’ll miss you. Please never forget me or your dreams.”
........ “Helios…” Rini said but she noticed that she was no longer in the rose garden but back in her room. She looked out the window Alisa was gone. She sucked in her breath and went out the door.
........ “Hello Rini.” Mary said.
........ “Hi is it okay that I talk to Seth?” Rini asked.
........ “Yeah let me go get him. Do you want to come in?” Mary asked.
........ “No I’ll stay here.” Rini smiled back. Mary shut the door and called Seth’s name. A few moments the door opened. Seth came out and shut the door behind him.
........ “Hi Rini.” He said stroking his fingers through his hair.
........ “Seth, I wanted to tell you something.” Rini said.
........ “What is it?” Seth asked.
........ Rini took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She saw Helios he was smiling, “Rini, do what you want, what your heart tells you.” He closed his eyes and wing like Pegasus emerged he smiled. “I’ll always be watching out for you.” And he kissed Rini. Rini opened her eyes.
........ “What I wanted to say was.” She went to talk but Seth stopped her.
........ “Let me say something first.” He said and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to be with Alisa. I wanted to stay and talk with you.”
........ “Then why did you go with her?” Rini asked.
........ “I didn’t get a chance to say something.” Seth replied. The rain stopped both looked up in the sky two doves sat on the tree one cuddled the other. “Want to go for a walk?”
........ “Sure.” Rini smiled. They walked away from the house Seth but his arm around Rini’s shoulders.
........ “I really like what you did with your hair.” Seth said, Rini could only laugh she stopped looked up in the sky; Helios was there he smiled and flew away. “What are you looking at?” Seth asked.
........ Rini but her head on Seth’s shoulder and said nothing.
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