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SuperSS Skit

Darien woke up bright and early to meet his best friend Sara
Darien: I hope she's not late.
Sara: (walking up the driveway) Hi Darien hows it going?
Darien: Fine how about you?
Sara: Great. Where's your girlfriend you told me about?

Serena:( coming in mad) What did you tell her about me???!?!?
Darien: Take it easy Serena, I just told her that you were my girlfriend and if she would like to meet you. Serena: Is that all??!!??
Darien: Yes calm down.

Rini: What's all the commotion?
Serena: Mind your own business you brat!!!
Rini: Im not surprised Darien didn't dump you yet, I know I would!
Darien: ummm.......well I have to go by Sara!!!!
Sara: Bye!!!!!!!

Meanwhile at the circus tent....

Hawks eye: Why do we always pick a girl who has beautiful dreams but no Pegasus?
Fish eye: beats me.
Tigers eye: What are you two yappin about?
Fish eye: Something that you shouldn't know (Fish and hawk giggle)

Zirconia: You idiots!!! Didn't you find Pegasus?
Tiger eye: Not yet master.
Zirconia: Well you better because the next time you fail I dispose of you and send The Amazoness Quartet!!!
All 3 of them: yess sir
Zirconia: Now here is your target! (Throws picture. All 3 look at the picture of Sara.)
Tiger eye: I'll take care of her. (Leaves the room.)

Later at Sara's house.........

Sara: (looking at picture of Darien) I wish you were my boy friend.
Tigers eye: Something the matter Sara?
Sara: How did you know my name?
Tigers eye: In the paper.
Sara: Huh??!?
Tigers eye: I mean from someone!
Sara: Who?
Tigers eye: I don't know maybe you.
Sara: You are such an idiot!!! How did you even get into my house??!!? I don't even know you.
Tigers eye: Doesn't matter.
Sara: I'm going to call the police!!
Tigers eye: Not really Sara!!!! ( Tiger changes back to his form.)

Sara: Ahhhh!! Someone help me!!!!!!!!!!
Darien: That was Sara!
Sara:(running away) Someone will help me!
Darien: Sara!!! Im here!
Sara: Help me Darien!
(Tiger eye snaps his fingers and a vine trips Sara)

Tigers eye: Don't worry, It won't hurt after I tear your dreams up looking for Pegasus!!
Tigers eye: One!...................( then a board came up behind Sara)
Tigers eye: Two!!...................( She was hand cuffed to the board)
Tigers eye: Three!!!................( Sara's dream mirror appeared)
Sailor moon: Stop right there!!
Tigers eye: huh?!
Sailor moon: Don't you dare tear up Sara's dreams.
Sailor Moon: I am Sailor moon!!!
Mini moon: And I am Sailor mini moon!
Both: And on behalf of the moon...... we shall punish you!

Tigers eye : Not you pumpkins again!! Come on and give it up for the amazing slime toss girl!!
Tigers eye: Take care of these pumpkins!
Slime girl: Yess Tiger!
Slime girl: You girls like slime don't ya?

Sailor mini moon: I hate slime!
Sailor moon: Yuck!!! Me too!
Slime girl: Well then take this !!! (She throws slime at them and both get stuck.)

Sailor moon: eeeeewwwwww!!!!
Sailor mini moon: Help! I cant move! ( a rose hits the ground Tiger eye is about to check Sara's dream out)
Tiger eye: Huh?
Tuxedo mask: Your slimeness cannot effect the power of love.
Tiger eye: Well take this you bad dressed man! ( ties him up with a whip)
Sara: AHHHHHHH! What are you doing!!! Help me!!! ( Tiger looks in her dream mirror)
Tuxedo mask: Sara!!!!

Tiger eye: No Pegasus! Well I might as well finish her off because she has beautiful dreams!
Sailor Jupiter: Sparkly wide pressure!
Tiger eye: ow! You hurt my perfect face! Slime girl take care of her!
Helios: I shall free all of you!
Mini moon: Oh Helios thank you!
Tuxedo mask: Mini moon, Sailor Moon! Do it!
Both: right!

Mini moon: Please pegasus protector of dreams! Crystal twinkle bell!!!
Sailor Moon: Moon Gorgeous Meditation!!!
Slime girl: Im sllliiimmmeeeedddd over !!!!!!
Tiger eye: Im gone( he leaves)

Later on..........

Sara: Well I must be going on.
Darien: Where will you go?
Sara: Where ever my heart takes me.
Darien: oh. ( kisses Sara)

Rini: Serena, do you think my prince charming will come soon?
Serena: Have you been reading my love books again?
Rini: Im just wondering..... ( They all watched as the sun went down)