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Water's Reflection

The reason's of lies

Michelle awoke in her bed, a slow but heavy rock was present ans she made her way through the halls and up on the deck she noticed that a storm had been taking place. She placed her hair behind her ear and watched as the lightning struck the far out seas. The ocean gave a big shove and Michelle unable to keep her balace fell into the arm of the closest person.

"Are you okay?" The piercing golden eyes asked.

Michelle rubbed her head. and stood up, her rescuerer kindly kep thier hands are hers to reasure her safety. As she studied the rescuerer she noticed a stong body structer and dirty blonde hair in a short cut. "Thank you so much." Michelle said.

Her rescuerer wrapped thier coat around michelle shoulders, she noticed somehting extra no man would have, "Are you okay? I'm Amara." Her rescuerer said.

Michelle quickly alerted this person was a female, "I'm Michelle thanks for catching me." The rain had now flatened bot of thier hair he rain drops driped down her face like melting wax, she wiped it away. A big wave tossed on the boat drenching he two.

"I think we should get inside." Amara said and they both walked into dining room. The light stung Michelle's eyes all of this had happen too quickly for her to even comprehend what was going on. "Can we have two hot chocolates?" Amara asked. A waiter nodded. "So arn't you the one playing the violin?"

"Yes, but I'm afraid that it won't sound right comming all alone, I need another instrument to add music and vibrance." Michelle replied.

Amara relaxed in her booth, "I play the piano."

"Oh really! I need some help I can give you the piano music I have it in my cabin." Michelle said her eyes shined with excitement. She watched Amara's emotionless expression. "Oh please say you will."

"I'll think about it." Amara replied.

The waiter brought the hot chocolate Michelle studied Amara as she sipped. Amara looked calm but not relaxed as if something was bothering her. "is something wrong?" Michelle asked.

"No i'm fine." Amara replied. She bit her lip, "Have we met before?"

Michelle thoughtfor a moment. "No I don't think so." She replied.

Amara stood up, "i have to go now."

"Oh please hold on for a second to let me go get my music." Michelle said.

"I'm not going to wait to long." Amara replied.

Michelle dashed out of the room and to her cabin, thousands of questions and thoughts raced through her mind. Amara. Love. Music. Hope. Destiny. Life. Tommarow. Amara. Love? She grabbed her music and ran back to the dining room, Amaea was gone. Michelle fell to ehr knees "Fine if that is how you feel about all this then leave!" She cried and threw her music on the table. "I didn't need you anyways." As she walked away tears streamed down. Could this have been the only person she ever cared deeply for? No, it was all to fast she reasured herself.

The next day as she walked on the stage alone with her violin and she began to play it seemed so empty, she relaxed and closed her eyes hoping that the nightmare would end soon. Then the sound of a piano began playing along with her in shock she looked over, Amara was playing the piano along with her. She smiled and continued once the concert was over she recived a standing appaulse. She ran up to Amara. "You left." She said.

"Doesn't mean I said no." Amara smiled. But quickly her smiled turned to a frown. She grabbed her chest.

"What's wrong?" Michelled asked and the pain hit her too. Thier bodies began to glow. Michelle was sourounded by an aqua light and Amara was gold. She looked over and noticed that a sword appeared in Amara's eyes. Then they both disapeared. As Michelle difted in the clouds alone and covered only with an aqua cloth fear grew over her eyes. Then she bumped into Amara covered only in a gold cloth. Michelle could say nothing. A glow came down this one green a women with long green hair stood before them.

"I am Sailor Pluto. Gaurdian of time. You two posses the power we need to retrive the taslismins. Both are princesses of the planets Neptune and Uranus. Solitary planets. Your mission is to find the talismins and find the one who knows it powers." The women said. Thier scout uniforms appared. "Tokyo is where you'll find them" And the women dissapeared.

Both Michelle and Amara were back fully clothed. "Is that our goal?" Michelle asked.

"Unbealivable." Amara said. She notice and wond with the sign of Uranus on it. "Or maybe not."

"So this is Tokyo." Michelle said.

"Come get on." Amara said helping Michelle on the motorcycle. "What are we going to do?"

"About us? I don't know. We could just be sisters or something." Michelle replied.

"How about cousins. Close cousins." Amara said.

Michelle held tighter to Amara. "Close." She wispered.
