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Sailor Cronos

Name: Holly
Age: 14
Height: 5'3"
Birthday: January 6
Element: Protection/ healing
Hobbies: Star gazing, softball
Fav Color: black
Fav Food: ramen noddles
Least: milk
Streangths: injury treatment
Weekness: truth
goal: become a vet
Cronos came from the future. She is on a search for her father. In the future her mom who is Sailor Saturn marrys a man but dies shortly after Holly's birth. Holly came to the past to warn ehr dad and to try to prevent his death but she doesn't know who she is since her mom refuses to ralk about him. She goes to Crossroads Jr. High. There she is a trouble maker. She often gets kicked out of class and is in detention all of the time. This makes life more complicated for her cause it gives her less time to look for her dad.

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