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Sailor Fantasy

Name: Drew
Age: 16
Height: 5'6"
Birthday: December 24
Element: Snow
Hobbies: Figure Skateing
Fav Color: Sky Blue
Fav Food: hot chocolate
Least: pizza
Streangths: athletic, skateing
Weekness: bugs
goal: be in the olympics for figure skateing
Sailor Fantasy is normaly a quiet person only speaks up when someone is in danger or it is nessasary. She's content with what she has and mostly never complains. What they don't know is her home life. Briar atends a small private school. Her parents force her and ehr little brothers too. That school is the one and only thing Briar hates. There she has no friends everyone considers her different. The only person she is comfortable with is her teacher who she has a sister like bond to.
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