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Sailor Orion

Name: Mariam (Mari)
Age: 15
Height: 5'3"
Birthday: June 9
Element: Plants
Hobbies: singing, shopping
Fav Color: bright green
Fav Food: French Fries
Least: sushi
Streangths: singing, computers
Weekness: spelling, athourity
goal: become a famos singer
Mariam or Mari as all her firends call her is a dare devil. She loves to try everything out there and takes all the chances placed in front of her. The only thing that scares her is athourity. She doesn't know why she's just afraid of them. At home Mari has an older brother who always picks on her but really looks out for her. She insits that everything she believes is the right way and no one can change her mind. At school she gets good grades and is active in the choir wich everyone thinks is dorky but she has this weird passion for singing that everyone doesn't understand.

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