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Join the Team

Senshi Dreams is ready to have only two more members and we need people to join our team, Gracey and Sailor Savannah have decided that we will take on two members only. below are the questions Senshi Dreams are asking for you to join us

1. Do you have experience on the web, do you know a fair amout of html? We need people who know what they are doing. A web page that you own or worked it would be awsome if you could send us the address so we know how good you are. You should also know how to work under and angelfire comunity

2. Do you have time? I try to update this page at least every week and lately it's been everyother day joining the team would mean you have to bring the best out of your section and find things for it that would make it better in every way

3. What would you contibute to Senshi Dreams? Do you have an idea that would make an awsome part of the site? Will you be willing to work on already made sections of Senshi Dreams such as the bios by improving the appearence of the bios and adding alot of interesting facts

4. We will need to know you name. It can be a nick such as Sailor Savannah or whatever (it can't be Sailor Savannah cause she's already a team member ^^). Also your age, no ofense but if your nine I don't think you would cut it. Gracey and Savannah are 10th graders and they don't want to censor themselves all the time when we're brainstorming. Such as a few bad words might pop out and we don't want you freaking out or nothin. Also your habbits like of your super sarcastic like Gracey I think we should need to know that so you don't hurt anyone's feelings

5. alas, the hardest part. Write in a pretty lengthy essay like why you should join the team, why you would make a good member and what you could bring to us. Impress us and you just might make the team

Please send us you aplication at

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