Starring Kloot-chan and Mattie-san!
Welcome to the picture archive where I am storing many of the pictures that I have, uhm, altered. The pictures feature my brother and I as anime characters, as well as some other people, and we are NOT cosplaying..*sweatdrop* I have used the power of KFC to change people I know into well-known characters from anime, manga, or games. I understand that some of this was also featured on the About Me page, but since I made a billion more pictures I assumed it would easier to post them on a separate page altogether. That doesnt take brain surgery to figure out, ne? Well here are some more examples of my insanity. Enjoy. Look! Its Serame! Ohayo gozaimasu! *grins* That is REALLY *my* face..>_<; Ugly ne?!! It is my brother, Marron, er, Matton! and he is with his true love, G-er, Mateau! Heh heheee! It is me, again, only as MEHARU! From Tokimeki Memorial, no da?!!?!! I look like I am on weed...@#$% school ID picture!!
Mira la foto! Mattie-san is Rurouni Mattie! Very odd...
Run away, run away! It is Matiroth! SCARY STORIES!!!>_____<; Well, that is all for now, minna! May the force of KFC be with you! Bye now.
You can head over here to find a page at least halfway worthwhile to look at...