Tasuki: What the @#$%! My ''kawaii batch of links''? What the $%#@ are links anyway? Remember I live in ANCIENT CHINA?!!
Kloot-chan: Uhmmm..Well...*sweatdrops* These links are a jumbled collection of pages I have found incredibly interesting, funny, cool, or just plain necessary for the anime junkie. Here you might find links for fansub sites, image galleries, episode synopses, character shrines, fanfic archives, or fanart sites for various anime. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did. Be off wit ya!
Tasuki: And dont come back!
Kloot-chan: DONT SAY THAT!!! We want hits Gen-chan!
Kloot-chan: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
I Want FANSUBS, Mommy!
Sekihou Gumi Fansubs-Good choices and excellent quality.
Kodocha Anime-Excellent Fansub Distributor..I order subs from here all the time!
Fushigi Yuugi Webpages! Gotta love FY!
The Nuriko Shrine v. 4.1-Great shrine to Nuri-chan.
Tasuki: A Shrine to My Lover- This has gotta be the coolest Tasuki shrine out there.
Fushigi Yuugi Fanfiction-Kick ass stuff.
Bishounen Stuff! Yum!
Smoochies Lite-Lovely lovely doujinshi scans PLUS much more cool stuff! Melanie, the owner of this page, has been kind enough to put up some of my art as well! Arigatou gozaimasu!
Miscellaneous, but STILL good!
Intergalactic-A great place to find anime Winamp skins. This is my brothers friends site; he has many pics on his site. He even used one of my pics on his site.
I love this site; I am on there 24/7 it seems! My network name is SeraviPie if you want to know..I love message boards!!! *hugs animenetwork.com*