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Big, Blue, and YUMMY! My little shrine to Muza!!

Welcome to my humble shrine to my favorite character in one of the coolest RPGs, Thousand Arms. In this shrine I hope to explain everything I can about the phenomenon that is Muza Grifford, and perhaps expose his adorable character to all you understanding RPGers out there. Okay, I realize that most of you think I am in desperate need of therapy already, and this shrine to a person who doesnt really exist just blows it out of the water. In clear defiance of this, I declare that Muza is TOTALLY kawaii, deserving valuable attention, of which I will definitely provide! So there. One year I will put up a script of ALL the things Muza ever says, plus his attacks and drawings of his swords and fanart GALORE!! Hopefully it will be sooner than later. By the way, I STOLE most of these pics from a Thousand Arms site; GOMEN NASAI!!! but I just HAD to have them, because they have MUZA in them! I will never give them up either; that is how much I love him. I kinda changed most of the pics though..Lo siento, to whomever I ruthlessly stole them from. I think most of them came from this place if I am not mistaken...

Unfortunately, folks, hardly ANYTHING is here yet! But I am working on it! Especially the fanart! *grin*

*Sections of the Muza Shrine*

101 Reasons Why I Love Muza Almost completed minna! Heh heh!

His Role in Thousand Arms Yay! This is up!

Fanarts of my Aijin So far I have uploaded only TWO! -_-;

Kawaii Things About Muza-sama I know, I KNOW! There is nothing here yet! *sigh*

*Pictures of Muza I Have Mercilessly Confiscated*

Isnt Muza GREAT??!!! If you disagree, FOR YOUR SAKE, don't tell me..heeheheee..

This is a scene from the opening sequence of Thousand Arms! To draw this, I even recorded it, all for the sake of my darling Muza. I know, I know, I am definitely crazy, right?! In the famous words of Jesse (Pokemon), "Who cares!?!?!!"

Awww! He looks almost like he is BLUSHING, if you look closely! Oh god! The world explodes with sugar..(due to dangerously cheesy cute levels)! He is all ready for battle, heh heh heh..

This was from the scene where you were first chatting with Muza, inside Fort Teve. Like two seconds later Muza sees Sodina and everyone is graced with seeing Muza's little "problem" for the first time! LOL!

The light, the light..I feel peaceful!

A HUGE PICTURE of Muza, ne?! Yay! This came from a Thousand Arms postcard. Cool, ne? I love Muza, I evol azuM! I am on crack, kcarc no ma I! Really. MUZA KAWAII! Chotto matte! (I probably did not spell that right..*sigh*)His shirt is BLACK in this picture..usually it is blue..and his pants are brown, instead of a kind of off-white khaki kind of deal! Maybe it is just the light..or maybe he has a change of clothes... Ahh whatever, just take it all off! *cheeky grin* Yummy!

A picture of the whole gang! I know, I know, it isnt just Muza, but hey, he is still in it! Muza is doing the Intelligent Point! He does this many many times throughout the game when he is serious about something or is trying to appear like he knows what is going on..heeeheeeheee..

Unfortunately minna-san, that is ALL of the Muza shrine. Come back soon! Like anyone even COMES to this page..! Oh well. Even if I am the only visitor, it is all worth it for Muza-sama, who I plan to make my manager, boyfriend, and pimp! (Think Sana-chan in Kodomo no Omocha..heh heh! Only Muza will always be mine; no girl from his past will take him back!!! Except maybe Wyna, cause I respect her..) Well. I am intensely mental. Time to die now.

Bye now and night night.