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The Dragon's Enigma


Welcome the “The Dragon’s Enigma” (timeline in episodes is general)
Hosted by Piccolo

Special Guests: Goku, Bulma, Vegeta

Piccolo: Hello and Welcome to “The Dragon Enigma” where we ask The stars of Dragonball Z a wide array of questions from all different categories. ::turns to contestants:: If you know the answer just buzz in but you have to wait until I finish reading the question, Cause if you interrupt me even once, I will kill you myself! The game is based on points and whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins. Who ever has the least amount of points at the game gets to choose the “fate box” which is a random fate for the looser he or she must obey.

We will introduce our guests after the first round of questions but for now their names are Goku, Bulma, and Vegeta. Now to the questions they are worth 100 points each.
First question, How many Dragonballs are there?

Bulma: Bzzz. There are 7

Piccolo: no I am sorry that is incorrect (crowd awws)

Goku: Bzzz. There are 14, 7 on earth and 7 on planet Namek.

Piccolo: Correct 100 points to Goku (crowd claps) Next Question: What is the theory of Relativity?

Bulma: Bzzz. E equals M C squared

Piccolo: Correct 100 points to Bulma(crowd claps)
Next Question: How many ounces are in a gallon?

Goku: Bzzz. 16 (crowd claps)

Vegeta: What are you idiots clapping at!? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that one.

Piccolo: Correct Goku now with 200 points
Next Question: What is the number one physical Weakness of Saiyans?

Goku: Bzzz. Their Tail

Vegeta: ::poundes his buzzer on the stand:: Is this damn thing working, Im faster than Kakarott and I Buzzed in before him!

Piccolo: Shut up! Goku with…

Vegeta: WHAT! How about I shove my buzzer right up you’re a…

Bulma: Vegeta No cussing in public I told you that already!::vegeta sneers but shuts up::

Piccolo: As I was saying that puts Goku at 300 points. (crowd claps)
That brings us to an end for round one.Goku with 300

Vegeta: (under his breathe)Like his power Level(crowd laughs)

Goku: What was that Vegeta I couldn’t hear you down there short stuff.

Vegeta: I’ll kill you Kakarott!

Bulma: ::stops Vegeta with a simple hand in his face and a wicked womens glare:: You will do no such thing around me! ::Vegeta Backs down::

Piccolo: What did I say about interrupting me!

Vegeta: You shut up or you wont be able to talk next round.

Piccolo: Is that a threat? Huh? Punk

Vegeta: you bet your sweet Namekian a..

Bulma: VEGETA!!

Vegeta: (under his breathe) sorry

Piccolo: As I was saying Goku with 300 Bulma with 100 and Vegeta with 0
Im getting tired of this crap so Im going to forget about the introductions lets just put it like this:
::points at Goku:: Wuss
::points at Bulma:: Ditzy Slut
::points at Vegeta:: Short, wannabe with a bad haircut(crowd laughs)

Vegeta: Dammit At least I got hair and Im not part of a weak race like yours!

Piccolo: First Question of round 2
What is the main ingredient of going Super Saiya-Jin

Vegeta: Buzz. Rage

Piccolo: Correct Vegeta 100 points(crowd claps)

Goku: Speaking of Power Levels

Vegeta: That’s it Kakarott your going down!

Bulma: ::Same action as before:: Don’t even think about it! ::Vegeta Backs Down::

Piccolo: Next question, What sex is Freeza?

Goku: Bzzz Female

Piccolo: Incorrect, I thought he was a girl

Bulma: Bzzz Male

Piccolo: Correct Bulma now with 200 points

Vegeta: Dammit! I worked for that thing all my life and I don’t even know if it was a he or she.

Piccolo: Last Question, Vegeta you have to get your shit together and answer this next question just to tie with you ditzy wife.

Bulma: Who you calling ditzy?

Piccolo: I don’t know, let me think (sarcasm)

Bulma: Oh, Phew I thought you were talking to me!

Vegeta: ::Looks over at his wife:: You really are stupid aren’t you?

Bulma: Watch it mister or I will throw such a temper tantrum!

Vegeta: OK, OK just calm down!

Piccolo: Who is the strongest Saiyan in the Universe?

Vegeta: Buzz. ME!

Piccolo: Incorrect!

Vegeta: WHAT! I’ll show you incorrect! ::dives over counter at Piccolo::

Piccolo: ::steps aside of Vegeta’s sloppy leap::

Vegeta: Goes Super Saiya-Jin and begins to power up.

Piccolo: Hold on you lossed you have to choose the “fate box”::hands SS Vegeta a black box::

::curiosity over comes him:: ::opens box:: There is a little white piece of paper in the bottom. Vegeta takes it out and reads it. On the piece of paper it says. Loser has to fight the winner in a battle to the death. ::a large smirk comes over Vegeta:: He turns to where Goku is standing hugging Gohan and Chi-chi because he won. Vegeta Powers up and screams

Vegeta: DIE KAKAROTT!!!!! ::puts hand out:: BIG GO-BANG ATTACK

Goku: OH GOD!!

An unprepared Goku family stares back at the inpending doom. With now way of defending themselves and no SS power level to absorb the blow the Goku Family goes out with a big bang just like Vegeta always wanted it to be.

Vegeta: Finally I have defeated Kakarott! ::losses SS status:: (laughs Maniacally)

Piccolo: ::taps on Vegeta's shoulder:: SURPRISE!! ::vegeta turns around to a fully charged Piccolo:: SPECIAL BEAM CANNON FIRE!!!

Vegeta: NO!!!

Bulma: NO!!

An unprepared Vegeta and Bulma look back at their last moments of life in this dimension as an orange spiral rips through them.

Piccolo: ::his cape stops waving in the wind:: Thank you for joining me on "Piccolo's Reveng.. OH! I mean “The Dragon’s Enigma” Join us next week!
(under his breathe) I can’t believe they’re actually paying me to do this.
