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Android 16

Android 16 is the strongest of the androids, excluding Cell. His only mission is to Kill Son Gokou, and he never forgets that mission. He ends up being a "failure" because of his love for nature and unwillingness to fight.

He refuses to fight until he feels he must, when he takes on First Stage Cell. He holds his own pretty well at first, but ends up losing the fight. He is taken to Capsule Corp to be fixed, and the bomb inside him is removed as he is repaired, without him knowing. He attends the Cell Game, and attempts to self destruct with Cell in his arms. Kulilin informs him the bomb in him was taken out, and he's screwed. Cell blows him to pieces with one blast. When Gohan is in tears watching his friends get beaten, 16 tells him it's okay to fight when your fighting for whats important and right. Cell crushes 16's head, and that the end of him. Gohan goes nuts watching him die, and goes SSJ2...

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