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Juuhachigou, or Android 18, is the twin sister of Android 17. She is a human that was abducted by Dr. Gero and turned into an android. When she is first introduced, she is stronger than all the Z senshi. Her first fight is with Vegeta, who she is about even strength with at the time, but doesn't get tired like him. So, she pounds him. It is slowly revealed that she isn't pure evil by any means. She takes a liking to Number 16, and never really actually does anything bad. She is absorbed by Cell, giving him him perfect form, thanks to Vegeta.

After Gohan goes SSJ2, one of his hits on Cell is so hard it causes him to throw up 18. She is protected by Kulilin, who has a crush on her. When she is revived, she still tries to make it look like she's evil. Seven years later, she is married to Kulilin with a daughter named Marron. She competes in the Tenkaichi Budokai, and reaches the finals, but throws the match for 20 million zeni from Mr. Satan. She is killed by Buu, but wished back later.

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