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Chaozu is a little guy who first appears in Dragonball, under the tutilage of Tsuru-sennin. Chaozu is about 3 feet tall, and looks like a little doll. In Dragon Ball, Chaozu is introduced as a competitor in the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai where he loses to Kulilin in a rather silly manner. When he was under Tsuru-sennin, Chaozu was a bad guy. After that Budoukai however, he and Tenshinhan leave Tsurusennin and become good guys.

The most important aspect of Choutzu's life, is his unbreakable companionship with his bodygaurd-type best friend Tenshinhan. They are together the entire series. Tenshinhan and Chaozu train at Kami's Palace in preparation for the arrival of the Saiya-jins. At the very beginning when Nappa starts fighting, he shows his incredible power. Seeing that something radical had to be done, Chaozu clasps on to Nappa's back. After much abuse, he self destructs. But when the smoke clears, Chaozu is gone but Nappa is fine. Chaozu trains at Kaioh-sama's planet for the next year or so, until he is wished back to Earth with his friend Tenshinhan. The rest of the series, Chaozu is too greatly surpassed by everyone to contribute to any battles. He pretty much takes the back seat as a support character after the Freeza saga.

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