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Dende is first seen in DBZ during Freeza's first appearance. Freeza is demanding the Dragonball from the elder of Dende's village, Muri. Dende's brother, Kalgo is killed by Dodoria, as is Muri and all the other Nameks who refuse to give into Freeza's demands. Dende is rescued however by Gohan and Kulilin, and kept safe for a while. He is given an upgrade by Saichourou (Guru) that allows him to heal people, and gives him the power to do a number of other things. He is essential during the battle with Freeza, healing Kulilin from a mortal injury, reviving Gohan, and also reviving Vegeta. Dende is killed however as soon as Freeza goes to his 4th form. He is wished back by the Earth's DB's though, and makes the wish on Namek to get everyone but Gokou and Freeza transported from Namek to the Earth. For about 3 years after the destruction of Namek, he resides on New Namek.

In one of the 9 days before the Cell Game, Gokou realizes that the Dragon Balls no longer exists on Earth. So he goes to New Namek to find someone to be the new Kami in order to bring back the DB's to Earth, and Muri, the new Saichourou, picks Dende out for this job. He lives at Kami's Palace for the rest of his series with Mr. Popo as the new Kami, and other than his little adventures with Dai-Kaiohshin and Kaioh-bit to watch the fight between Gokou and Buu, and other things at the end of the Buu saga, Dende plays no other important roles in DBZ.

In DBGT, Dende is instrumental in working with Piccolo to open a portal between Earth and Hell, allowing Gokou (who was trapped there by Dr. Gero, Dr. Myuu, and Hellfighter #17) to come back to Earth so that he can fight Super #17.

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