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Son Gokou

Gokou is the main character of all 3 Dragonball series. In Dragonball, he is a child, and grows up to his teenage years. In Dragonball Z, he is a young adult to his mid-late 40's. In GT he is wished back to being a kid again, but he is in his 50's. Son Gokou, who is one of the 4 saiya-jins who survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta. He is the son of Bardock, and his saiya-jin name is Kakarotto. He is sent to Earth to destroy all living creatures there. He is found by a man name Son Gohan, who becomes his Grandfather and names him Son Gokou. Gokou was a very angry, mean baby because of his saiya-jin instincts. Gokou falls down and hits his head one day, and he is sort of, unprogrammed in a way. He becomes a happy, loving child.

In the first episode of Dragonball Son Gokou meets Bulma, a friend he keeps for the rest of his life. A lot of Dragonball is Son and Bulma searching for the Dragonballs and meeting friends. Eventually Gokou starts training with Muten Roshi, Kamesennin whatever you want to call him. He meets his best friend for the rest of his life, Kurilin. They fight in the budokais for the following  years, and Gokou meets such characters as Tenshinhan, Choutzu-  and then Piccolo, who is very important for the rest of his life.

In the beginning of DBZ, Gokou has to fight his brother Raditzu, who wants Gokou to join the remaining saiya-jins. To win, Gokou has to team up with his arch-rival Piccolo. Since Raditzu is much stronger than Gokou and Piccolo, Gokou sacrifices himself so Piccolo can kill him.

Gokou dies, and heads off on Snake Way to train with the North Kaiosama to learn Kaioken so he can defeat the other saiyans who are coming to earth for the dragonballs. During this training he learns a number of new attacks, the more important ones being the Kaioken attack and the Genki Dama, which saves his ass a number of times later on. When Gokou returns, the 2 other Saiyans have come to Earth, Vegeta and Nappa. Gokou easily defeats Nappa. Gokou then has to fight Vegeta. Gokou brings his body up a a triple Kaioken attack, where he beats the piss out of Vegeta, and even goes to a times four Kaioken. Vegeta goes oozaru when he realizes Gokou is stronger than him. Gokou's legs are crushed, making his body unusable. Vegeta is defeated by Oozaru Gohan, and Gokou is taken to a hospital.

Gohan and Kurilin head out to Namek to search for the dragonballs to wish back their deceased friends. Since Gokou was so badly injured, he stayed back to heal. When Gokou is fully healed he heads off for Namek, because Gohan and Kurilin need help. Gokou is in a ship specially designed for training. He trains in 100 times Earth gravity. He arrives on Namek, and dominates the Ginyu Tokusentai. When he faces Ginyu himself, he shows his true power level. 180,000, which is 60,000 points higher than Ginyu's. Since Ginyu doesn't stand a chance, he uses his body change technique on Gokou. When Gokou gets his old body back, he is extremely hurt and is put into a healing tank. The other warriors fight Freeza, and Gokou stays in the tank for what seems like forever. When he finally arrives, he is pretty even with Freeza. But then when they get serious, Freeza beats Gokou's ass pretty good. Gokou can't fight back at all, until he has a vision of the future, and what it would be like if he loses, while Freeza is holding him underwater. He escapes, and gets some good shots on Freeza wiht a Kaioken times 20. Still, Gokou can't win, so he starts forming a Genkidama. Piccolo stalls for him, and takes the beating of his life. When  it's finally ready, Gokou drops it on him. Everyone is thrilled, they think they've won. But Freeza returns, and takes a shot at Gokou, but Piccolo gets in front of him and takes the shot right through his heart. Gokou is now seriously pissed. Then Freeza telepathically lifts Kurilin, and blows his little bald ass up. Now Gokou is a whole lot more mad. Lightning is everywhere, the sky darkens, and Gokou screams and turns into a Super Saiya-jin for the first time.

Now Freeza gets himself an ass whooping. Freeza, knowing he can't win sends a blast into the planet that will destroy it in 5 minutes.Gokou dominates Freeza until Freeza goes to his 100% power. Then Freeza beats him some more, and he even thinks he killed Gokou at one point. Gokou returns after Gohan tries to fight Freeza, and a wish is made for everyone on Namek to be teleported to Earth, except for Gokou and Freeza. After Gokou dominates Freeza for a while, he decides the fight is over. Freeza is pathetic and can do nothing. Gokou turns and leaves. But Freeza sends a Kienzan at him, and cuts Gokous face. Gokou tells him he's an idiot, because he had a chance to leave and he didn't. Freeza sends out 2 kienzans at Gokou. Gokou avoids them both, and one of them eventually goes right through Freeza after some swift manuevering, cutting the bitch in half. Freeza begs Gokou to help him, and even though Gokou hates to, his kind heartedness gets the best of him and he lends Freeza some power. Freeza mocks Gokou, telling him how he can't escape in time, that he's going to die with the planet. Gokou says to Freeza "I'll live", and flies off. Now, Freeza snaps and sends a blast towards Gokou. Gokou sends a blast at that blast, easily overpowering it and nailing Freeza, (supposedly) killing him. But now Gokou can't get off Namek. He gets on Freeza's ship, but its busted. The ship falls into some lava as Gokou escapes, and he screams as the planet explodes.

On Earth, Gokou's friends are trying to wish him back, but they can't, because he is still alive. Vegeta figures out he's out training somewhere and flies off in a ship to search for him. When Trunks arrives, Gokou arrives shortly after. Gokou had been on Yardratto, a planet near Namek which he got to in one of the Ginyu Tokusentai's pods. The next 3 years, Gokou trains to fight the androids. When they arrive, Gokou is the first one to fight, and he fights Android 19. He could easily beat him, but his heart disease that Trunks warned him about kicks in, and he loses. He gets a chance to escape thanks to Vegeta, and he goes to his house to take his medecine. When he gets better, he takes Gohan into the Room of Spirit and Time with him. He reaches USSJ, but thinks it won't work because it is slow-moving. When he and Gohan leave, Gokou is very confident about the Cell Game, even though he knows Cell is much stronger than him.

When the Cell Game arrives, Gokou fights first. Gokou does fairly well, and impresses everyone with his power, except his son Gohan. Gokou is pretty even with Cell for the most part. When Gokou realizes he can't win, he let's Gohan fight.

Gohan goes SSJ2 and pounds Cell, and when Cell is about to destroy Earth by exploding, Gokou grabs Cell. He tells Gohan to say sorry to Chi Chi, he is being selfish. Son Gokou bids farewell to his son Gohan, and teleports Cell to Kaiosama's, and dies in the explosion. Gokou tells everyone not to wish him back, because he's just a magnet for trouble.

For the next 7 years, Gokou is dead, living with Kaiosama. He gets special permission to come back to Earth for one day so he can compete in the tenkaichi budokai. He is forced to go with Kaioshin, to fight Babi-di. Gokou goes off to fight Vegeta after he is pocessed, because he doesn't really have a choice. Majin Vegeta vs. Gokou is an incredible fight, probably my favorite of all DBZ. There's not much to it in the manga, but it's awesome in the anime. Gokou gets knocked out for a while while Vegeta goes to fight Buu. When Gokou comes to, he decides he will use his remaining time to try to teach Goten and Trunks fusion.

When Buu is headed for the town Capsule Corp is in, Gokou sends Trunks to get the dragon radars. Gokou stalls Buu and Babi-di, so Trunks can get the job done. It is here where he shows Super Saiya-jin Level 3 for the first time. He is pretty even with Buu,  even though he later says he could've killed Buu in this level, but he was just stalling. He then returns to Karin Tower, and since SSJ3 wasted so much of his energy, he has to return to the afterlife sooner.

He goes back and hangs out with Gohan who is training with the Zet Sword on Kaioshin's planet. After Buu absorbs Gotenks and Piccolo, and Gohan can't win, Rou Kaioshin gives Gokou his life so he can go help fight. He also gives Gokou Potarra earrings, Gokou gets to Earth and is about to fuse with Gohan, but Gohan is absorbed. Just then, Gokou senses Vegeta on Earth, so he fuses with him, forming the incredibley powerful Vegetto. Vegetto kicks Buu's ass, and then let's himself get absorbed so he can free everyone who's been absorbed, he does it, and the fusion end inside Buu. They free Fat Buu, which causes Buu to revert back to his original form, Kid Buu. Kid Buu destroys the Earth and Gokou and Vegeta teleport to Kaioshin's planet. Gokou then has to fight Buu as SSJ3. He can't stay in that form, so he starts building a Genkidama. After much preparation and energy from everyone on Earth, he drops the genkidama, and kills Buu.

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