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Son Goten

Goten is the second son of Gokou and ChiChi. He is half saiya-jin, and half human.He isn't pushed as hard to study like Gohan was, but he is very pampered. Since his dad was dead, he was taught martial arts by his mother, and later his big brother Gohan. He is best friends with Trunks, and, like Trunks, is very powerful from birth. He goes Super Saiya-jin when he's 7. He really looks up to his brother Gohan, since he doesn't have a father around.

We first meet Goten in the Buu saga. Goten does not meet his father until he is 7 years old, at the Tenkaichi Budokai. Here he competes against some punk kid, who's ass he kicks in one light little tap. Trunks beats Goten in the finals, but only because he cheats when he uses his arm after he said he wouldn't. Goten and Trunks are mad because they have to compete in the childrens division, so they jump some guy in the adult division and steal his costume. They enter the contest as Mighty Mask and reach the finals, where Juuhachigou rips there costume in half, revealing they are two people, disqualifying them.

When Videl tells Goten and Trunks about Buu, they both go nuts at the idea of fighting such a strong guy, showing they are true saiya-jins. When Goten finds out his brother Gohan is (thought to be) dead, he cries like a little girl, but who could blame him, he's 7. Goten and Trunks don't get involved until Gokou decides to teach them fusion. They eventually learn the dance after a couple of horrible failures, and become Gotenks. First, Gotenks decides he can beat Buu in his normal form, and heads out. He comes back, after Buu ripped him a new ass hole. When Majin Buu is released, after he absorbs Fat Buu, he comes straight to Karin Tower. Piccolo has him wait for 2 hours. They are about to go into the Room of Spirit and Time, when Chi Chi goes over to Buu and smacks him in the head. Buu turns her into an egg and crushes her. Goten is extremely pissed, and is about to attack Buu, but Piccolo stops him and tells he has no chance, and for  him to train so he can beat him.

Gotenks versus Buu is the funniest fight of all the DBZ fights. Gotenks has a whole bunch of weak attacks, and funny, unnecessary names for all of them. One of the only useful attack he uses is the Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack. He spits out 1 or more ghosts that explode on impact. These ghosts are incredibley powerful and funny, but also stupid. Two of them slap five to celebrate, and they blow each other up. Everyone is very surprised, especially Gokou, when Gotenks goes SSJ3. Gotenks was about to kill Buu, but ran out of time and the fusion expired. Gotenks eventually gets absorbed. But  the fusion expires inside Buu. Goten is rescued by Gokou and Vegeta from inside Buu, but dies when the Earth explodes. But he's wished back right away.

The last episodes of DBZ, Goten is 17, I believe. Goten is now the ugliest person i've ever seen. They couldn't  keep his hair the same, because it would be impossible to tell him apart from Gokou. Okay, now here's something thats been bugging me. In the first round, Goten has to face Buu. But, it shows little clips of him getting beaten by Pan. Now, in order for Goten to face Pan, he would've had to beat Buu. So I don't see how it can be assumed Buu won. But It's highly unlikely, it was probably something just thrown in there for fun. Woulda been great for Goten to beat Buu. He could've, because Buu isn't to quick in the head. Goten coulda threw some candy outside the ring and Buu coulda chased it.

In GT, Goten is pretty cool looking. He's got his hair spiked up, and wears normal clothes. He's a lot cooler than Trunks, in his stupid homo scarfy thingy. Goten was originally supposed to go with Trunks and Gokou on their search for the dragonballs, but that stupid little girl Pan started the ship before Goten could get on. GT would've been a lot cooler if Goten was out there. He doesn't really show up until Bebi comes to Earth, and Goten is the first person to fight him. Bebi enters him through a cut in his arm, and he goes and kicks his brothers ass. He fights Super 17 for a little while, and thats basically all I know about Goten in GT.

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