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Gotenks is the result of a fusion between Son Goten and Chibi Trunks. He's one of my favorite characters in the the entire series. He is so funny and cool I can't get over it. It's one of the reasons why the Buu saga is my favorite.

Fusion was a technique taught to Gokou in the afterlife by a Metamol-seijin. It allows two people of similar size and power to combine into 1 person for a short time. Since the dance required for fusion is very dumb looking and pretty specific, the first few fusion attempts by Goten and Trunks results in a failure: fat or skinny Gotenks. They get it right on their third try however. Since extreme cockiness is a side effect of fusion, Gotenks believes he is hot shit. He heads out to fight Buu, inspite of Piccolo's warnings. He gets his ass kicked all over the place by Buu, but he manages to survive. The next fusion was the Super Saiya-jin fusion. Gotenks knews that his power was strong enough to fight Buu this time, so he heads out. He circles around the Earth a few times, then takes a nap while Piccolo was trying to find him. When he does, Gotenks decides he'll go fight Buu now. Little does he know, that there is only a minute left in the fusion. He calls out Buu, and before Buu comes out, the fusion expires. Goten and Trunks high tails it outta there. The next Gotenks fight is in the Room of Spirit and Time, which I go into great detail in, in the Saga Summaries section. Gotenks basically plays around with Buu and gets whupped before Piccolo traps all of them in the room by blowing up the doorway. Gotenks manages to escape after Buu by going SSJ3, and beats up on Buu pretty bad as a SSJ3. The fusion once again expires though, but Goten and Trunks is saved by Gohan. Later on, Goten and Trunks fuses again, only to get absorbed by Buu. Gotenks is only one of the 2 characters in DBZ ever to reach SSJ3.

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