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Kaiosama, or King Kai in the dub, is a God type guy. He lives in the afterlife with his 2 pets, Bubbles a monkey and Gregory a cricket. On the DBZ afterlife authority scale, he is below Kaioshin and Dai Kaiosama, but above Kamisama(Dende). There are 4 Kaio's, and this is the Kaio of the north, the one one we are most familiar with. He is first introduced when Gokou travels down Snake Way to be trained by him. He teaches Gokou the martial art of Kaioken and an attack called a Genki Dama, which is probably the most important technique in the series. He is pretty important for the rest of the series, and trains Yamucha, Tenshinhan and Chouzu. He has a fairly major role in that he is always around to give information and help out in any way possible. Also, Gokou lives with him for the seven years he is dead.

Kaiosama is a nice guy, who likes to tell jokes and is just a funny, good all around character. Of course in the dub, because of his absolutely HORRIBLE voice the character is ruined.

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