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Kami-sama is the God of Earth for Dragonball, and until the Cell Saga in DBZ. He is first introduced after Gokou defeats Piccolo Daiamou. Karin sends him up to ask Kami to revive Shenron. When Gokou first meets Kami, he's terrified and ready to fight, because Kami looks just like Piccolo. Kami explains that he came to Earth long ago, and came to Kami's palace to proceed the previous Kami. To do so, he tried to rid himself of all evil in his body, and causes himself to split in two. Him, and Piccolo.

Kami has incredible power, when he first shows up. He is much stronger than anyone Gokou has ever seen, and Gokou wants to train up at Kami's Palace. Eventually, everybody surpasses Kami. Kami enters the budokai that Piccolo enters as Shen, in someone elses body. He tries a Mafuba on Piccolo to seal him up, but fails and the move is reversed. Piccolo swallows the bottle Kami is trapped in. When Piccolo grows to a huge size, Gokou jumps into his mouth, grabs the bottle and frees Kami. After Gokou wins the budokai, Kami tries to kill Piccolo, but Gokou stops him. If Piccolo dies, Kami dies as well. Kami is disgraced that he's been surpassed, and offers Gokou the position as God. He doesn't accepts, and Kami remains God.

In Dragonball Z, Kami dies when Piccolo sacrifices himself to save Son Gohan. He is wished back from Namek a few months later and helps orchestrate the wishes. At the beginning of the Cell saga, he re-fuses with Piccolo, giving Piccolo indredible power, and much more knowledge.

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