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Kibito is Kaioshin's bodygaurd and protector. He is very conservative, very traditional. He believes Kaioshin is the strongest possible person in the universe, and doesn't believe anyone can surpass him.

He first shows up with Kaioshin at the budokai. His match is against Gohan, and he makes him go SSJ. When he does, Gohan's power is taken away by a couple odd looking guys. Read more on this in the Buu Saga Summary. When he, Kaioshin and the Z senshi are spying on Babidi, Dabura is ordered to attack them. He flies up, and kills Kibito. he is wished back by shortly after by Bulma with the rest of the good people who died after the budokai. He takes Kaioshin and Gohan to Kaioshin Kai. When Kaioshin tells him that Gohan can pull out the Zet Sword, Kibito doesn't believe him. He didn't see Gohan's power, so he just assumes he can't do it it, because no Kaioshin has ever been able to pull it out. Gohan pulls it out, a Kibito is dumbfounded. Later on, Kibito fuses with Kaioshin using the Potarra Earrings, forming Kaiobito.

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