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Piccolo is an extremely important character throughout Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and even plays a role in GT. He is the son of Piccolo Daiamou, who is the evil half of Kami. Piccolo is extremly evil in Dragonball. Piccolo is extrememly important throughtout the series, and without him Gohan, Gokou, and a whole bunch of other people would've been dead.

In DBZ, Piccolo teams up with Gokou to fight Raditzu. He is still evil, but he helps Gokou because he wants Raditzu out of the way. Piccolo uses his makankosappo, and kills Gokou and Raditzu. For the next year, Piccolo trains Gokou's son Gohan, because he wants to teach him to use his hidden power. This is where Piccolo starts to become a good guy. He shows some signs that he cares for Gohan. In the fight with the saiya-jin, Piccolo fights valiantly the entire time. When Gohan chickens out at a good chance to get Nappa good, Piccolo is extremely disappointed. Gohan eventually regains confidence, and Piccolo is happy with him. When Nappa gets angry at Gohan, he starts charging a killing blast. Gohan stands there, knowing theres nowhere for him to run. At the last possible second, Piccolo jumps in front of the Gohan. Piccolo takes the full force of the blast, and dies.

For the following months, he trains on Kaiosama's planet. He is wished back by the Namek balls, and is wished the Namek so he can fight Freeza. On his way to the fight, he finds Nail dying, and reluctantly absorbs him. This gives him an incredible power up, and he can now beat 2nd form Freeza. Freeza goes to his 3rd form, and beats the crap out of Piccolo, nearly killing him. Piccolo's healed by Dende. When Freeza goes to his 4th form, Piccolo doesn't stand a chance against him. When Gokou starts making his genkidama, Piccolo has to fight Freeza to make time. He takes the beating of his life, and is nearly killed. When Freeza returns after being badly injured by the genkidama, he shoots a blast aimed at Gokou. Piccolo knows that Gokou is the only one who has any hope of defeating Freeza, so he takes the hit for Gokou. The blast goes right through Piccolo's chest. Gohan takes him to the Capsule ship to get him away from the fight. When everyone is wished to Earth, Piccolo is angry with Gokou's desicion to stay on Namek.

Piccolo trains for the next 3 years for the arrival of the androids. When the androids arrive, he is no hope against them. After the fight with 18, Piccolo gets frustrated and heads to Kami's Palace. After Cell is discovered, he fuses with Kami, and becomes extremely powerful, strong enough to beat Cell. Piccolo also gains all of Kami's knowledge. For a short period he is the strongest warrior in all of DBZ. He could have killed Cell, but Cell escapes. Cell absorbs enough humans to surpass Piccolo. Piccolo has to fight 17, and he does pretty well. When Cell tries to absorb 17 and 18, Piccolo fights him to try to stop him. He can't beat Cell now, he has absorbed too many people. Piccolo is now thought to be killed by Cell, but Gokou rescues him from the brink of death. Piccolo trains in the Room of Spirit and Time in preparation for the Cell Game. He fights the Cell Jrs, and does pretty well for a while. After the whole shibangle is done, Piccolo lives up at Kami's Palace.

7 years later, in the Buu saga, when everyone goes to fight Babidi and his minions, Piccolo is turned to stone. He is saved after Buu kills Darbura, and is pissssssssed when he thinks Gohan is dead. When Gokou returns to the afterlife, Piccolo teaches Goten and Trunks fusion. When Gotenks fights Buu in the Room of Spirit and Time, Piccolo destroys the entrance in hopes the Buu will be trapped. Buu escapes, and so do Piccolo and Gotenks. Gotenks and Buu completely destroy Kami's palace, Piccolo's home. When Gohan arrives, and completely overpowers Buu, he absorbs Piccolo and Gotenks to surpass Gohan. Piccolo is rescued by Vegetto, but dies when the Earth explodes. He is wish back shortly after.

All I know about Piccolo in GT, is that he dies with the Earth, and spends his days fighting in hell.  

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