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Popo is the gaurdian of the God of Earth, Kami. He serves as a bodygaurd to Kami, Dande, and at least one past Kami. Popo is introduced in Dragon Ball. Gokou meets him when he reaches Kami's Palace. Gokou wants to talk to Kami, but Popo tells him he has to fight him to get to Kami. Gokou can't believe how strong he is. He really pounds Gokou, and Gokou never stood a chance. Gokou surpasses Popo over the next years, and eventually all the Z senshi do. Popo really cares for Kami, and Dende, protecting them constantly, and is very saddened when Kami dies and when he's absorbed. Popo is killed by Majin Buu, but wished back shortly after. Before he dies, he tosses Dende off Kami's Palace, telling him "Kami-sama must not die!". One odd thing in the Buu saga, theres a funny little scene where Popo tries to get Goten and Trunks to come with him, but they end up fighting him to escape instead. He fights evenly with SSJ Goten and Trunks for a little while, which is really odd. Anywho, Popo is an important character, is smart, has a lot of funny scenes, and is just a nice guy.

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