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Kamesennin, Muten Roshi

Kamesennin is an old man who trained Kulilin, Son Gokou, and Yamucha in Dragon Ball. He was trained by Mutaito Sennin and is the strongest character in Dragonball, or on Earth for a short while until he is surpassed by his students. He developed the Kamehameha over a period of 50 years, an essential move throughout and the Dragonball series. Though extremely wise, he is a huge pervert, always trying to catch a glimpse or get a feel of the DBZ chicks. This provides for some hilarious scenes throughout the anime.

Kamesennin enters the budokais the take place during Dragonball. Because he wants his students not to hold back against him, he enters under the guise of Jackie Chun. In the first budokai they enter together, Jackie wins when he beats Gokou in the finals. He loses the next two.

In Dragonball Z, he has no major role. His entire character is basically there just for comedy. In the Buu saga he is killed, but wished back shortly after. Even though he isn't a main character,he is a character that is always there throughout the length of the series, and is always entertaining

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