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Tapion is not a major character by any means. He is a main character in Dragonball Z Movie 13, "Dragon Fist Explosion! If Gokou Can't Do It, Who Can?". He lived on another planet, ? , where a cult of black magic practicing monks brought an evil monster, Hildegarn, to life. To get rid of the monster, a holy sword and flute are given to Tapion and his younger brother, Minosha. The song from the flute disables the monster and allows it to be attacked. The monster was cut into 2 pieces, and the spirit of the bottom half was trapped in Tapion, and the top in his brother. To make sure Hildegarn never returned, Tapion and his brother were sealed in music boxes and sent to opposite ends of the universe. Tapion happened to land on Earth.

At the beginning of the movie, we see Minosha being killed on another planet, far away. On Earth, an old man is getting Gohan's help to call Sheng Long so he can open a music box he had found. Sheng Long opens the music box, and Tapion comes out. The monster haunts him, and even attacks the city. Trunks looks up to Tapion a lot, and even starts calling him brother. Eventually, the monster is formed fully and the Z senshi must fight it. Gokou destroys it with the Dragon Fist Explosion, and Tapion returns to his time, giving Trunks his sword.

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