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Tenshinhan is the strongest human throughout DBZ, not Kuririn as many people believe.  He has a lot of different techniques and attacks. He is a human, inspite of the unexplained third eye. His best friend is Choutzu, and he does everything with him. He is introduced in Dragonball, where he plays a prominent role, and he's a bad guy at first. He enters the 22nd Budokai under the tutilage of Tsuru-Sennin, which he beats Gokou in the finals of.

In DBZ, Tenshinhan is a good guy, and is first seen training on top of Karin Tower with Kami in preparation for the arrival of the saiya-jins. When they arrive, Ten's right arm is cut off at the elbow, and his best friend, Choutzu, is killed. A furious Ten goes all out against Nappa, and even comes close to killing, or at least hurting him. He uses his best move, the Kikoho on Nappa. It doesn't work, and Tenshinhan put all of his power into the blast and he drops dead. For the next months, almost a year, Ten trains with Kaiosama. His power increases tremendously, and he even defeats Baata and Jees of the Ginyu Tokusentai by himself. He is wished back shortly after.

Tenshinhan trains the next 3 years to fight the androids. He doesn't get involved until 17 and 18 arrive, where he tries to help Vegeta and Trunks fight 18, but he's no match for them. He is critical in stalling Cell from obtaining his Perfect Form. Second stage Cell could've absorbed 18, but Tenshinhan used his Shin(new) Kikoho. He really goes all out and nearly kills himself, but does stall Cell enough for 18 to get away. Gokou takes him to Karin Tower for a senzu, and he's healed. At the Cell Game, Ten fights the Cell Jrs, but he is no match for them. After Cell is dead, Ten flies off, telling the others that he would probably never see them again.

The next time we see Tenshinhan is the Buu saga, where he once again saves the day with his Kikoho. Buu was about to kill Kami(Dende) when Ten stopped the blast. Goku cuts Buu in half, and Buu's lower body knocks him out and ...well...he's never heard from again. He dies when the Earth explodes like everyone else, but is wished back shortly after.

I think I should mention, since i'm not doing a Choutzu bio, Tenshinhan is with Choutzu the entire time.

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