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Vegeta is the Prince of all Saiyajins. He is one of the 4 saiya-jins who survived the destruction of his home planet Vegeta at the hands of Freezer. When Vegeta is told the planet was destroyed, he doesn't care. All he cares about is his own pride. He is adopted by Freezer and does his bidding, conquering planets and doing whatever he is told. Vegeta is full of hate, and all he wants is to be the strongest fighter in the universe.

We first see Vegeta in the fight with Raditzu. After Raditzu dies, Vegeta and Nappa are shown discussing their plans to go to Earth and get the Dragonballs and make a wish for immortality. For the next year, Vegeta is flying through space with Nappa, his bodygaurd, headed for Earth. He makes a stop on a planet called Arlia, which he destroys to show the audience how evil he is. When he gets to Earth, he and Nappa fight the Z Senshi. Vegeta doesn't get involved at all until Gokou arrives and beats Nappa. Vegeta kills Nappa because he was weak after he was defeated by Gokou.

Vegeta then fights Gokou, in a really cool fight. He's much stronger than Gokou normally, but Gokou uses a Kaioken times 4 and shows Vegeta he stronger than him. This pisses Vegeta off a whole lot, so he goes Oozaru, and nearly kills Gokou. He shows how tough he is, when he continues to come back after a kaioken times 4 Kamehameha, and a genkidama. Vegeta is finally defeated after Gohan goes Oozaru, and squashes him. Kulilin is about to finish Vegeta off, but Gokou stops him and tells him to spare Vegeta. Vegeta leaves, and flies off to one of Freezer's Planets to be healed.

Once he is healed Vegeta heads for Namek. Vegeta wants to wish for immortality so he can beat Freezer. When he arrives on Namek, he kills Kui easily, one of Freezas men. He also kills Freeza's right hand men, Dodoria and Zarbon. He fights the Ginyu Tokusentai. He easily kills Gerudo, but gets his ass kicked by Rekim. When Gokou arrives, he gives Vegeta a senzu, which powers him up greatly. People don't really realize this, but Vegeta is the one who kills the entire Ginyu Tokusentai, except for Ginyu himself, who isn't killed. Altough Vegeta gets stronger and stronger, he still knows he can't beat Freeza. He is still scared of Freeza, and it's shown when he tries to escape from Freeza's second form. Vegeta orders Kulilin to beat him up so he can be healed by Dende, Kulilin shoots a blast right through his back. Dende heals him, and Vegeta thinks he can win now.

He tries to fight Freeza form 4, but doesn't even touch him. Freeza beats the living shit out of Vegeta. It's one of the most horrible beatings anyone gets in all of DBZ. When Gokou arrives, Vegeta is happy because he gets to live to see Freeza defeated. Freeza gets tired of  hearing Vegeta talk, so he kills him. As he's dying he gives a speech to Gokou begging him to kill Freeza.(Unlike in the dub, when he acts like he cares about his home planet or his father, all he cares about is himself in the real version).Vegeta is wished back, and is much stronger and plans on helping Gokou kill Freeza but he is wished to Earth. On Earth, Vegeta is exstatic. He thinks Gokou and Freeza are both going to die in the explosion of Namek, and he will become the strongest fighter in the universe. But, unfortunately for him, they both live. When Gokou returns to Earth and they have to train for the androids, Vegeta promises Gokou he will surpass him. Over the next three years Vegeta is training in a gravity room. He gets so mad at himself that he can't be stronger than Gokou, he goes SSJ. When Gokou is fighting #19 and he's losing, and #20 will not allow anyone to help him, Vegeta arrives. He tells Gokou he's an idiot for going SSJ with his heart disease and to the shock of everyone, turns into a Super Saiya-jin. He easily kills #19 with his new move, the Big Bang Attack.

His next fight is against Juuhachigou, Android 18. He starts out pretty even with her, but after a while he gets tired, but since she is an android, she doesn't tire easily. He gets his ass kicked, and heads off by himself. After Cell arrives and Piccolo fuses with Kami, Piccolo surpasses Vegeta, which makes him extremely angry. Vegeta promises to surpass SSJ and heads out to train.

He enters the Room of Spirit and Time with his son Trunks and when he comes out, he goes to fight second stage Cell. Vegeta kicks his ass easily, because he thinks he's reached Ultimate Super Saiya-jin(but he hasn't). When Vegeta hears Cell say he can win if he was in his perfect form, Vegeta gets interested. Basically the entire Cell Game is Vegeta's fault. He allows Cell to absorb 18, and acheive his perfect form. Vegeta can't compare to Cell, but he uses a Final Flash, and blows half Cell's body off. He regenerates, and pounds Vegeta some more. Vegeta goes back into the Room of Spirit and Time in the 9 days before the Cell Game.  

Vegeta doesn't fight Cell during the Cell game until Trunks dies. He goes nuts, a lot madder than anyone would expect. He attacks him and does his signature little renzokou energy blasts, a LOT of them. He takes a couple shots, and is about to be killed, but Gohan takes the final killing blow from Cell for him. Vegeta then does something very uncharacteristic of himself, he apoligizes to Gohan. When the fight ended and he realized what happened, he vowed to never fight again. Thats basically it out of him for the Cell Saga.

Vegeta, unlike Gohan, trains hard for the next 7 years. At the tenkaichi budokai, he is scheduled to face Gokou in the first round, which is just what he wants. Before they get the chance to fight, they have to go with Kaioshin to fight Babi-di. Vegeta is posessed by Babi-di, and becomes Majin Vegeta.

He kills hundreds of people at the budokai to persuade Gokou to fight him. Gokou agrees and they go off to fight. Here, Vegeta reaches Super Saiya-jin Level 2. Vegeta beats Gokou for the most part, and knocks him out and goes off to fight Buu. Vegeta realizes he can't beat Buu, and there's only one thing he can do. He hugs his son Trunks for the first time. "Sarabada... Bulma... Trunks... soshite... Kakarotto"(Farewell,  Bulma..Trunks..and you too,  Kakarotto) is the famous line. Vegeta blows himself up with those words, but Buu lives.

Vegeta is brought back, because Enma-Daio allows it, because he thinks Vegeta can help save the universe. Vegeta knows he's just going to die again. When he gets there, Gokou has also been returned to Earth with the Potarra Earrings. At first Vegeta refuses to fuse with Gokou, saying he hates him. But when Gokou tells Vegeta that Trunks has been absorbed, and Bulmas been killed, he puts the earring on right away. They form Vegetto, who is much stronger then Buu. They allow themselves to be fake absorbed by Buu, and they rescue everyone. Vegeta pulls fat Buu down, forming Kid Buu. Kid Buu destroys the Earth, and Vegeta escapes with Gokou to Kaioshin's. Gokou fights Buu first. It is now where Vegeta realizes why he hasn't been able to surpass Gokou. He notices that he, himself has only fought for his own pride. But when Gokou fights, he fights not to win, but he absolutely will not lose. He then admits that Gokou is truly Earth's number 1 fighter. Then Vegeta has to stall Buu to give Gokou the time to reach full power SSJ3. Vegeta gets his arse handed to him, he gets beat really bad. When Gokou realizes he can't reach full power SSJ3 in his living body, Vegeta makes a plan for Gokou to make a Genkidama. He orchestrates the wishes on Namek, and tell them to wish the Earth back, and wish back all the good people who died after the Budokai. To his surprise, Vegeta comes back to life because he is good. Fat Buu stalls Kid Buu for a while, and Vegeta gets beat up for the rest of the time after Fat Buu loses. Gokou refuses to drop the Genki Dama with Vegeta as close as he is, he doesn't want to kill him. Mr. Satan grabs Vegeta and gets him away. Gokou drops it, and kills Buu.

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