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Yamucha is introduced early in Dragonball as a desert thief. He hears about the dragonballs, and decides to follow Gokou and Bulma around, so he could make a wish that he wouldn't be scared of girls anymore. On their journey, he gets used to having Bulma around, and his fear disappears. He trains with Muten Roshi, and enters the 21 and 22 budokais, but doesn't get anywhere.

In DBZ, Yamucha is playing baseball to earn some money, even though he isn't happy and would rather be fighting. When Gokou dies, he and Kuririn go up to Kami's Palace to train for the arrival of the Saiya-jins. When the fight starts, the Saiya-jins plant 6 saibamen. Yamucha is eager to fight. He easily defeats the saibaman, but it gets up, grabs onto Yamucha and self destructs, killing them both. The next months of his life are spent training with Kaiosama, where his power increases greatly, and defeats Rekim of the Ginyu Tokesentai- a guy Vegeta,Kururin, and Gohan couldn't compare to just hours earlier. He is wished back shortly after and lives in Capsule Corp with his girlfriend Bulma.

The next 3 years, Yamucha, like all the other Z senshi trains for the androids arrival. By now, he and Bulma have broken up. Yamucha is the first to discover the androids, and 20 punches his hand right through his chest, grabs his face and drains his energy. Yamucha is saved, and gets a senzu but is to scared to fight more. After a little while, he gets angry with himself for being a coward and flies off to the area where Gokou is fighting 20. Since Gokou is getting his heart disease, he can't win. When Vegeta comes and rescues him, Yamucha takes Gokou back to his house for the medecine since he doesn't plan on getting involved at all.

Yamcha goes to the Cell game, where he fights the Cell Jrs. He does pretty well at the start, but since the Cell Jrs don't tire easily, Yamucha starts getting beaten horribley. The look on his face when the Cell Jr. is kicking him, shows he is in indescribable pain. Yamucha stops fighting for the remainder of the series.

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