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About Us

This site was officially opened on December 26, 1999, and originally titled Dick Saucer's Anime & Manga Countdown. I orginally had only three voting booths (which are all still active). Since then I've added soundfiles, WinAMP skins and online arcade games. I hope you enjoy your visit!! And come back soon, as we're always adding new stuff! Join my mailing list to recieve periodic news and updates. You can also view my links page for information on my link/banner exchange program. Please take a moment to sign my guestbook. Email me if you enjoyed this site or would like to talk about Anime and Manga.
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Email Dick Saucer

The author of this page realizes quite fully that the names and characters presented herein are the sole property of the holders of the North American and Asian rights. They are presented here merely as a tribute and a "thank you" to the artists for the application of their talent and hard work. Please refraim for suing me. Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!