<html> <!--Generated by Angelfire: L00S00--> <head> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#0000ff" link="#0000ff" alink="#800080" vlink="#ff0000"> <basefont size="3"> <!--Image--> <div align="center"><img src="background.jpg"></div> <p> <!--EndImage--> <!--List--> <font size="5"></font> <ul> </ul> <p> <!--EndList--> <!--Links--> <font size="5"></font> <p> <p> <!--EndLinks--> <!--Freetext--><font size="7"><font color="green"><p>DIGIMON 02</P></font> <font size="5"><p>According to my knowledge of Digimon 02, the story is mostly focusing on TK and Kari. There will be 3 new kids in season 2, Motomiya Daisuke, Inoue Miyako, and Hida Iori. These new kids have different looks in the Digiworld than the real world. The evil character, Ken is taking over the Digiworld. He locked the crest and tags and the digivice so the Digidestined's Digimon can't digivolve. All of the Digidestined in the Digiworld also have armors to digivolve their Digimon. Each of the Digimon(except TK's and Kari's) can Digivolve into 2 different Digimon in its champion depending on what crest they used in the armor. These new Digidestined(including TK and Kari) travel to the Digiworld throught the computer at night(I don't think their parents noticed^^), and come back through the computer again(no duh, that's how they get there) in the morning . That's about how much I know. If you have anything else that I should know, please email me at <a href="mailto:brucegarro@hotmail.com">brucegarro@hotmail.com</A> If you wanna see more images from Digimon 02, please visit our images section.</p></font> <!--EndFreetext--> <p> </body> </html>