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Vital Stats
Skin Tone:
Eye Colour:Black
Hair Colour:Black
Power Level:330(98Strength,113Stamina,119Speed)Ki:100%
Hit Points(current/max):5470/5470
Special Beam Cannon
Weighted Clothes
Senzu Bean
Space Pod
Super Armor
Training with GURU
At an early age Gozek was sent to Earth because they had run into trouble from Frieza! Gozek's parents soon died after Frieza took care of them. When Gozek landed on Earth his Space Pod was found and he taken by Kame. His Space Pod went to science. At the age of 7 Gozek knew only small combos. When he was 10 he got into a fight with a little Koolite at school who was also a fighter. Gozek had done a few combos when the young boy did a distructo disk and somehow both of them was taken out by the blade. Gozek was trained by King Kai for a little less than 2 months when then he was wished back by Kame and Master Roshi. Soon Gozek left for Master Roshi's house to stay their for 2 years. He soon wodered about his past, about his family. He knew he had special abilities that other fighters didn't have. Then Gozek went to Kame to ask him about his past. After learning he was from planet Vegeta in the upper part of the North Galaxy. Kame used teleport and warped Gozek to Namek so he could learn from Guru a little while. He learned an incredible fighter named Xen when Xen and Nail were battling. They became friends and Gozek is now on Namek training with Xen and his brother Nex.
Email: tina35@msn.com