Ohayo!! I watched the second episode of GW on CN today... I couldn't resist! Here! It's just a snippet.

Disclaimers: The Cartoon Network and GW each belong to somebody else (too bad)!

AU, Yaoi, 1+2, completely silly.

The GW Boys Watch Dubs by MadCat =^-^=

"Holy friggin' crap! I sound like Mr. Butch Stud Boy!"

Heero snorted, not pausing in his typing, as Duo ranted from the couch in front of the television set. "I don't believe this! 'Got a date with his maker?' A DATE WITH HIS MAKER?! What have they done to me?!" he groaned melodramatically, one hand resting against his forehead like a pre-fainting southern belle in distress. "Heero, would you still love me if I sounded like Rebellious Macho Teenage Gaijin Boy?" Duo asked, wrapping his arms around his silent partner's shoulders.

Heero snorted. "Baka."

Duo snickered. "At least you showed some emotion! Man, when you said 'Relena' I thought you were gonna melt!"

"Duo!" Heero growled. "Omae o korosu!"

Duo laughed, dancing around his chair. "Ah-ah, you can't say that! It's 'I will destroy you!' now! Ha! Man, at least your voice actor doesn't completely suck! And Trowa! He had several different inflections! He should be reading Shakespeare, man! But Quatre? What's with the 'Earth is so beautiful' speech? I've never heard someone say 'beautiful' so many times in one freakin' sentence! He sounded like he had the IQ of a banana! An all-American, 'I toldja to surrender' freakin' banana!"

Heero sighed, closing his laptop, and turned around. "Baka. I told you not to watch it, didn't I?"

Duo nodded. "Yeah, but I just had to make sure Relena didn't get any kissy scenes with ya. And man, Relena!! Now there was one sucky mmph--" Duo's rant cut off quite suddenly as Heero clamped his hand over the gaping mouth. Under his fingers, the now-closed lips shaped into a grin. "Mmph mmh mmf mmmh!!" Duo snickered.

"Baka," Heero growled. He promptly removed his hand, replacing it with his lips. Duo sighed contentedly, returning the kiss with gusto. Slowly, Heero drew back, his eyes dark with passion.

Duo smiled slowly, his fingers brushing Heero's lips. Then he murmured, "Anou... I don't think that'll make it past the censors, koi."

"Duo no Baka!"

MadCat =^-^=

Please send comments to: johnston_parkridge@yahoo.com
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