Yes, it's true, I am an insomniac, and the boys keep torturing me to write these instead of vacuuming, so please don't sue. It's just for fun. This is the last part in a three part series. Hope you like! Duo reminds me so much of myself sometimes, it's scary.

March 2000

Calling Your Bluff
By Ebonydove

I didn't want it to look like I was chasing after him. That would be so Relena-like. But I also didn't want to stick around after being rejected either. Once I blurted it out, even against my own advice, I had to know. Call it sick, I had to hear him say that he cared for me (not hoping for more than that) or to fuck off. Either way, there was no turning back now. I put my cards on the table, now I wanted to call his bluff.

Of course, Heero being Heero, wasn't going to make it easy for me to track him down. Quatre and Trowa watched me as I peeked into the kitchen and looked around. I knew they knew, but I really didn't care right now to explain what was going on, even to Quatre who I knew would understand. After all, he was the one who told me that I was lying to myself. That I was just playing the part of a fickle flirt so I wouldn't get hurt if Heero didn't feel the same way. I think he knew I wasn't really just playing games with Heero though. One thing I can truly say about Quatre, he knows how to read people. He got me pegged.

I just gave them my quirky smile and set out to search the rest of the safehouse. It wasn't that big, and going out was not an option with Oz hunting for our heads.

Where would I go? Study. Too obvious. Hanger? Just left there. Bedroom? I wish.

Roof? Hmm. Possible.

I went up the stairs taking two at a time. At the top I looked into Wufei's room, the door halfway open, and observed him doing his push-ups for a moment.

"Heero?" I knew that since they all knew anyway there was no sense in keeping up the charade.

"Roof." Wufei grunted between lifts.

Why did I suddenly feel nervous? Maybe because he could push me off it. I opened the window at the top of the stairs and climbed out onto the roof.

He knew that it was me, and didn't turn around. He just kept sitting looking out at the dull lights of the city. I sat next to him, close enough to feel the heat coming from his body. It was warm out. Almost muggy. That was one thing I loved about earth that you couldn't get on the colonies. They could simulate rain and sun and even snow, but they couldn't reproduce the warm, muggy air, filled with moisture and smelled like rain about to let loose. I took a deep breath almost forgetting Heero was still there, when he grumbled something.


"Apology accepted."

Okay that's a step in the right direction. But he still was holding on to his cards...with a death grip, I might add. I think he just drew a line. Trying to finish this with accepting my apology, huh? Well, when I see a know I have to cross it.

"So you're okay with that?"

Come on Yuy, I know you know what I'm saying here. I shut my eyes and could feel my whole body tense up. This was the moment I dreaded. The moment I pretended wouldn't matter, that I ran from, joked about, and even lied to myself about. He's ignoring me...again.


It was then I realized that I was holding my breath. I almost passed out from lack of air when I heard him answer so softly I had to strain to catch it. Holy shit, he's okay with the fact that I love him? Funny, I didn't know if I was okay with it. I turned to him and looked at his face. No glare, no confusion, just Heero. I shook my head a bit and stood up to leave. I didn't want to know any more.

That's a lie. I made it to the window when I realized it. I needed to know.



"Do you?" Please don't kill me Heero, please...I was already mentally conducting damage control for the rejection I thought was coming. After all this time, the flirting, the missions, me saving his ass and he saving mine, it came down to this one singular moment that could completely destroy me or...not.


I really tried not to. I swear I was kickin' myself when it started to happen. I actually was angry with myself that after so long of keeping myself from crying that I was on the verge. I swallowed a few times as I watched Wufei walk out of his room and down the stairs. He returned and gave me a confused look as he came up the stairs with a bottle of water and a towel. I must have looked like an idiot outside the window, looking in with the tears streaming down my face. I remember trying to smile...trying. Shaking his head back and forth, he just went into his room and closed the door.

Well I asked for it. I called his bluff and he called mine. It was out there hovering in the heavy air. No more lies, no more games, just us. Me and Heero. I turned around and leaned against the side of the house at him. He hadn't moved from where he was sitting. I quickly wiped my eyes giving myself a mental kick in the ass.

No more running, I reminded myself, as I went and sat back down next to him, a little closer than before. I felt his arm rest across my shoulders and I exhaled loud enough for him to flash me a look. I just shook my head. "Is that the truth?"



We sat there almost all night in silence. At one point I put my head on his shoulder, cheesy I know, but I was getting tired and his arm was heavy. He put his head on top of mine and we remained there for a while before going back inside the house. I had faced my worse adversary, my worst fear...myself. This could be a good thing. Looking at Heero, a very good thing.

Maybe the truth wasn't so bad after all. Sure beats lying to yourself. That, and now as a result, I have Heero, who...I almost don't want to think it...loves me. Wow. Life never ceases to amaze me. Now I don't feel I have to keep all those aces hiding up my sleeve.

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