I had to write this because, I just couldn't sleep. That, and the g-boys are too interesting. No money being made here, I wish, so don't sue. Part one of a three part.
POV- Duo
Alittle game of poker anyone?

By Ebonydove

I played things over in my head. Christ, this is why I never should get involved. I should have just stuck to my original plans from the beginning, but it only seemed natural to team up with these guys. Although I play the part of the joker, I'm no fool. Still, here I am sitting in Quatre's study replaying the huge mistake I just made.

I had been flirting and teasing Heero for months. Why not? It was safe. He showed no interest in anyone, let alone me. He was focused, driven, a soldier incarnate, he showed no emotions to any of us...unless you really watched. Which I had been. Still, I didn't think too much of it. He'd glare at me, or worse throttle me, when I crossed the line. But everyone should know by now, draw a line in the dirt, I'll cross it every time. It's in my nature I guess, too push things too far. Shit.

I think I've always been drawn to the ones who resist me the most. Part of the challenge, the chase. I would pursue them like I was on safari, studying them, watching, waiting, then pounce. I knew I was an asshole for dropping them soon after, but with the hunt over, I got bored.

No, that's a lie...I got insecure. When I got too comfortable, too close, I would run from them just like I was runnin' now.

I never had a problem with my sexuality. That's not it. I just went with the flow. True, I never let myself get too attached. People who got attached got stupid, or worse, dead. Maybe that's why I disliked Relena so much. She reminded me of so much of myself in many ways. She just wants to feel protected, loved. Who could really blame a person for that? It wasn't about male or female either, I always was attracted to the person, how they thought, or carried themselves. Whether it was a guy or girl was irrelevant. I also liked being both submissive and dominant, depending on the person. But when it comes right down to it, it was sex. Any way I could get it was fine with me.

Hadn't even realized that I haven't...ya know...since I met the guy. Too wrapped up in myself I guess, the war, circumstances...

Shit, that's a lie too. I wanted to forget that I could be so callous. I wanted to believe I could really give myself to someone. Fuck, maybe I am a fool after all.

When it happened, that moment...I mean, I was the one who came on to him. Then when I actually got what I wanted, I got spooked. Not only did I take off, but then I ignored him on top of it. Next time, I should just casually rub salt into his wounds. That look too, shit, I think I'll remember that look for the rest of my life. The wall finally came down and as he stood there waiting for me to finish what I started, well...I may as well have handed him a trowel and some concrete to build the wall back up with. I am such an asshole.

I wish I could cry. Sitting here, in the dark, smelling the comforting scent of leather and old books. I really wish I could cry, but...I just can't. Sister Helen always had said that it was all right for me to cry, but I never did back then either. Once, I had to bite my tongue so hard it bled, just to keep myself from crying. That was the closest I ever got, when they died.

Come to think of it, Heero's never cried either, I don't think. I mean, even when he's having nightmares, he controls himself. He never cries out or nothin'.

Worse part of this whole thing is that I think I hurt him. And here I am sulking, feeling sorry for myself. I need to remind myself, I was the one who put this whole thing in motion. I was the one whose been teasing and flirting, I was the one who hugged him ...stared into those cold blue eyes...pressed my lips to his...

Shit. It's all been a big lie. I knew from the beginning what it was. I thought I could trick myself into thinking it was just another game, another conquest. Or worse, that it wasn't a big deal at all, it was casual. Just our circumstances. Getting blown to hell more times than I can count makes you appreciate the guy who's draggin' your ass outta the sling. I could almost pretend it was out of thanks, or appreciation, or even admiration.

But it's a lie. I almost got myself to believe that I picked him, because he tried so hard to keep me away. I never picked him. He chose me.

Sometimes I really hate the truth. Lies are so much easier. This would all be so much easier if I didn't have to admit what was really happening. For the first time...I have to admit...

I can't even say it.

Fuckin' love.

But shit, it's the truth.


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